To determine whether the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep is involved in the retention of a simple learning experience in rats. FINDINGS Deprivation of REM sleep abolishes retention of an incompletely learned passive avoidance response in rats. APPLICATION The results suggest that REM sleep is necessary for adaptation to new experiences, especially those which cannot be completely understood on first exposure. Sleep disturbance may be a significant factor in the failure to adapt adequately to a crisis situation. A recent report describing a high incidence of transient sleep disturbance during Polaris submarine patrols suggests that this factor may be a more important aspect of vulnerability to the problems of submarine life than has ...
The occurrence of REM sleep in the rat appears to be under the control of either sleep related proce...
Neural activity patterns of recent experiences are reactivated during sleep in structures critical f...
In the recovery nights after total and partial sleep deprivation there is a reduction of rapid eye m...
ii The functions of sleep remain enigmatic. One of the dominant, yet more contentious hypotheses is ...
Many early studies using REM sleep or total sleep deprivation showed deficits in learning and memory...
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a unique phenomenon within sleep-wakefulness cycle. It is associat...
International audienceVarious experimental data indicate that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is invo...
Background & Objective: Stress contributes to sleep-wake behavior in all animals. It seems that fact...
The relationship between learning and sleep is multifaceted; learning influences subsequent sleep ch...
The relationship between learning and sleep is multifaceted; learning influences subsequent sleep ch...
In the investigation of pre-sleep variables that affect sleep stage distribution and eye movement bu...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from bomb blasts and explosions is common among military pers...
It is important for an organism to excel in spatial memory abilities. An organism’s survival is depe...
Although the notion that sleep reduces stress has been proposed, it has not been investigated system...
The relationship between learning and sleep is multifaceted; learning influences subsequent sleep ch...
The occurrence of REM sleep in the rat appears to be under the control of either sleep related proce...
Neural activity patterns of recent experiences are reactivated during sleep in structures critical f...
In the recovery nights after total and partial sleep deprivation there is a reduction of rapid eye m...
ii The functions of sleep remain enigmatic. One of the dominant, yet more contentious hypotheses is ...
Many early studies using REM sleep or total sleep deprivation showed deficits in learning and memory...
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a unique phenomenon within sleep-wakefulness cycle. It is associat...
International audienceVarious experimental data indicate that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is invo...
Background & Objective: Stress contributes to sleep-wake behavior in all animals. It seems that fact...
The relationship between learning and sleep is multifaceted; learning influences subsequent sleep ch...
The relationship between learning and sleep is multifaceted; learning influences subsequent sleep ch...
In the investigation of pre-sleep variables that affect sleep stage distribution and eye movement bu...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from bomb blasts and explosions is common among military pers...
It is important for an organism to excel in spatial memory abilities. An organism’s survival is depe...
Although the notion that sleep reduces stress has been proposed, it has not been investigated system...
The relationship between learning and sleep is multifaceted; learning influences subsequent sleep ch...
The occurrence of REM sleep in the rat appears to be under the control of either sleep related proce...
Neural activity patterns of recent experiences are reactivated during sleep in structures critical f...
In the recovery nights after total and partial sleep deprivation there is a reduction of rapid eye m...