Analyzing seasonal temperature trends in forced climate simulations of the past millenniu
Natural climate variability Global surface temperature Climate models Astronomical harmonic forcings...
und system ed fo extracting seasonality parameters from such data series ARTICLE IN PRESS $Data on s...
Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of fitting a climate-driven statistical model to weekly ...
Spatial analysis shows fishing enhances the climatic sensitivity of marine fishe
Look closely on seasonal patterns for low NPP This reproduces
Winter severity predicts the timing of host shifts in the mosquito Culex erraticu
<p>Seasonality analysis: The results of the DHR seasonal cycle extracted from the weekly time series...
<p>Time series of seasonal SPI values derived from MUBFS daily rainfall observations for the climate...
<p>The estimated amplitude of seasonal forcing in RSV transmission (top) and the estimated seasonal ...
Natural climate variability Global surface temperature Climate models Astronomical harmonic forcings...
und system ed fo extracting seasonality parameters from such data series ARTICLE IN PRESS $Data on s...
Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of fitting a climate-driven statistical model to weekly ...
Spatial analysis shows fishing enhances the climatic sensitivity of marine fishe
Look closely on seasonal patterns for low NPP This reproduces
Winter severity predicts the timing of host shifts in the mosquito Culex erraticu
<p>Seasonality analysis: The results of the DHR seasonal cycle extracted from the weekly time series...
<p>Time series of seasonal SPI values derived from MUBFS daily rainfall observations for the climate...
<p>The estimated amplitude of seasonal forcing in RSV transmission (top) and the estimated seasonal ...
Natural climate variability Global surface temperature Climate models Astronomical harmonic forcings...
und system ed fo extracting seasonality parameters from such data series ARTICLE IN PRESS $Data on s...
Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of fitting a climate-driven statistical model to weekly ...