Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Process Biochemistry journa l homepage: www.e lsev Purifica o
Proof-of-concept of a novel micro-bioreactor for fast development of industrial bioprocesse
SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate
Cellular and molecular investigations into the development of the pectoral girdl
Biochemical and structural exploration of the catalytic capacity of Sulfolobus KDG aldolase
Updated information and services can be found at: (359 articles)Review Articles Articles on simila...
Biotechnological applications of serpentine bacteria for phytoremediation of heavy metal
glucose dehydrogenases for possible use in glucose-based biosensors and biofuel cell
Kinetic description of optimal control problems and applications to opinion consensu
How body mass and lifestyle affect juvenile biomass production in placental mammal
jo u r n al homep age: www.elsev Using low temperature to balance enzymatic sa
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information
medicine, neuroscience, ontology, phenomenology, philosophy, psychiatry, reductionism, science, valu...
Brief update on hemodynamic responses in animal models of neonatal stroke and hypoxia– ischemi
Using distributed admission control to support multimedia applications in MANET environments
LABOCA observations of giant molecular clouds in the south west region of the Smal
Proof-of-concept of a novel micro-bioreactor for fast development of industrial bioprocesse
SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate
Cellular and molecular investigations into the development of the pectoral girdl
Biochemical and structural exploration of the catalytic capacity of Sulfolobus KDG aldolase
Updated information and services can be found at: (359 articles)Review Articles Articles on simila...
Biotechnological applications of serpentine bacteria for phytoremediation of heavy metal
glucose dehydrogenases for possible use in glucose-based biosensors and biofuel cell
Kinetic description of optimal control problems and applications to opinion consensu
How body mass and lifestyle affect juvenile biomass production in placental mammal
jo u r n al homep age: www.elsev Using low temperature to balance enzymatic sa
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information
medicine, neuroscience, ontology, phenomenology, philosophy, psychiatry, reductionism, science, valu...
Brief update on hemodynamic responses in animal models of neonatal stroke and hypoxia– ischemi
Using distributed admission control to support multimedia applications in MANET environments
LABOCA observations of giant molecular clouds in the south west region of the Smal
Proof-of-concept of a novel micro-bioreactor for fast development of industrial bioprocesse
SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate
Cellular and molecular investigations into the development of the pectoral girdl