Fusing the Love of Wisdom with the Dwelling Place or Home in the Classroom: A Rhizomic Journey

Publication date
September 2016


Over the past two decades in my role as a teacher, not once did I feel the urge to take a child home and give him/her a better existence than what s/he had. Often, when I heard colleagues make this declaration toward a student they felt was living in conditions they deemed as below their own socio/ economic/cultural norm, I used to think I lacked a maternal instinct. Why did I not feel the need to take that child home, too, and give him/her a better life? After embarking on a self-study1 researching how I can improve my teaching and learning practice, I immersed myself in the process of deconstructing a selection of lived experiences so I could arrive a deeper understanding of my penchant for teaching holistically. One of the more poignant ...

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