. Abstract:The spatialdistributionof bivalvemolluscsand its relationto granulometryandtothepercentageoforganicmatterandsilt-claywerestudiedin theSacodoCéuInlet.Bivalvesandsamplesof sedimentwerecollectedin 39 stations,in JanuaryandJuly 1992,usinga 0.1m2Petersengrab.The typeof sedimentvaried:&omveryfinetocoarsesand.Nineteenspeciesofbivalveswere quantified,14ofwhichwerepresentin thetwoperiodsof theyear.Thehighest diversitywasfoundin mediumandfinesandin summerandin coarsesandin winter.Thesebottomspresentedagreaterstructuralheterogeneity.A community dominatedbyCorbulacaribaeawasdistinguishedin finebottomswithrelative high contentof organicmatter,whereasanothercommunitydominatedby Anomalocardiabrasilianaoccurredin coarserbottoms.Bothcommuniti...
The latitudinal diversity gradient, with maximum taxonomic richness in the tropics, is widely accept...
Patterns of spatial variation of molluscan communities associated with coralline algal turfs were ev...
The bivalve Scrobicularia piano is an important species of shallow water benthic communities with a ...
The spatial distribution of bivalve molluscs and its relation to granulometry and to the percentage ...
Bivalve mollusks of the continental shelf of Cabo Frio upwelling ecosystem were sampled monthly from...
Denadai, Márcia R., Amaral, A. Cecília Z., Turra, Alexander (2005): Along- and across-shore componen...
Graduation date: 2014The spatial distribution and abundance patterns of benthic infauna result from ...
Neilonella sulculata is a dominant bivalve on muddy bottoms of the continental shelf and gulfs off A...
Bivalve mollusks of the continental shelf of Cabo Frio upwelling ecosystem were sampled monthly from...
Abstract: Marine bivalves of the eastern Pacific continental shelf show a strong diversity gradient ...
The development and maintenance of spatial patterns and the way they affect the dynamics of populati...
This study aimed to compare the density of Isognomon bicolor on four rocky shores of the State of Es...
The development and maintenance of spatial patterns and the way they affect the dynamics of populati...
Mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) are unusual because they thrive in both rocky shore and soft-bottom habi...
Soft bottom bivalve mollusc assemblages were sampled along a depth gradient (10 to 100 m) on the nor...
The latitudinal diversity gradient, with maximum taxonomic richness in the tropics, is widely accept...
Patterns of spatial variation of molluscan communities associated with coralline algal turfs were ev...
The bivalve Scrobicularia piano is an important species of shallow water benthic communities with a ...
The spatial distribution of bivalve molluscs and its relation to granulometry and to the percentage ...
Bivalve mollusks of the continental shelf of Cabo Frio upwelling ecosystem were sampled monthly from...
Denadai, Márcia R., Amaral, A. Cecília Z., Turra, Alexander (2005): Along- and across-shore componen...
Graduation date: 2014The spatial distribution and abundance patterns of benthic infauna result from ...
Neilonella sulculata is a dominant bivalve on muddy bottoms of the continental shelf and gulfs off A...
Bivalve mollusks of the continental shelf of Cabo Frio upwelling ecosystem were sampled monthly from...
Abstract: Marine bivalves of the eastern Pacific continental shelf show a strong diversity gradient ...
The development and maintenance of spatial patterns and the way they affect the dynamics of populati...
This study aimed to compare the density of Isognomon bicolor on four rocky shores of the State of Es...
The development and maintenance of spatial patterns and the way they affect the dynamics of populati...
Mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) are unusual because they thrive in both rocky shore and soft-bottom habi...
Soft bottom bivalve mollusc assemblages were sampled along a depth gradient (10 to 100 m) on the nor...
The latitudinal diversity gradient, with maximum taxonomic richness in the tropics, is widely accept...
Patterns of spatial variation of molluscan communities associated with coralline algal turfs were ev...
The bivalve Scrobicularia piano is an important species of shallow water benthic communities with a ...