SEN. Control of exercise-induced muscular glycogenolysis by adrenal medullary hormones in rats. J. Appl. Physiol.: Res-pirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 50(l): 21-26, 1981.-We have previously shown that adrenodemedullation combined with chemical sympathectomy decreases the exercise-induced mus-cular glycogen breakdown in rats. Now we have elucidated to what extent the effect of combined adrenodemedullation and sympathectomy can be ascribed to the lack of either the adrenal medulla or of the peripheral sympathetic nerve endings. Rats were either adrenodemedullated or underwent sham operation and subsequent unilateral hindleg sympathectomy. Three weeks after adrenodemedullation and 1 wk after sympathec-tomy, the rats either rested or swam wit...