1. Synonymy in the Two Dogmas framework At the end of section three of Two Dogmas, Quine decides to turn his back on what he calls ‘the problem of synonymy’. By then he has spent two sections on discussing what synonymy might amount to, dismissing first defin tion and then i terchangeability salva veritate as candidates for explaining it. In a sense, he does the right thing, for the discus-sion of synonymy in Two Dogmas is really a digression. Quine’s main target, or one of his two main targets, is analyticity. But, as Tyler Burge (Burge 1992:4-10) and Paul Boghossian (Boghossian 1997:335-7), among others, have pointed out, there are several notions of analyticity in Two Dogmas. The first notion (1951:20) of an analytic truth is that of a t...