Transparency and openness are a key concern in contem-porary democracies, at both the national and subnational level. Dissemination of public information is a prerequisite for citizens to exercise their individual and political rights. Transparency is also a prerequisite for accountability. The openness of public authorities to a dialogue with the citi-zenry has become a key ingredient of the democratic pro-cess. Citizens are able to take part in a shared responsibilit
Local government political leaders have a hard job these days. More and more they are confronted by ...
Transparency is one of the highest qualities of democracy based on ethics and good governance where ...
Resumé Information duty of municipalities in selected countries In this thesis I have concentrated o...
Transparency and openness are a key concern in contemporary democracies, at both the national and su...
Otvorenost i transparentnost jedna su od važnijih obilježja moderne javne uprave i predstavljaju tem...
Rad se bavi načelima otvorenosti i transparentnosti kao temeljnim načelima moderne javne uprave, s n...
Načela transparentnosti i otvorenosti smatraju se temeljem dobrog upravljanja, te se tih dvaju načel...
Despite improvements in the transparency of local government budgets in the Republic of Croatia, the...
Jedinice samouprave uspostavljene su provedbom postupka decentralizacije s ciljem približavanja vlas...
We measure budget transparency in 33 Croatian cities in 2010, investigating the quality of city budg...
The main aim of the diploma thesis is to demonstrate different views on transparency and on instrume...
This paper examines through what means local government can realize transparency policies and to wha...
Javno upravljanje u današnjim okvirima naglašava potrebu za djelovanjem javne vlasti i uprave koje ć...
Objective to investigate the mechanisms of citizens and public institutions participation in public ...
Pitanje primjene standarda transparentnosti i otvorenosti rada lokalnih tijela nije apstraktno pitan...
Local government political leaders have a hard job these days. More and more they are confronted by ...
Transparency is one of the highest qualities of democracy based on ethics and good governance where ...
Resumé Information duty of municipalities in selected countries In this thesis I have concentrated o...
Transparency and openness are a key concern in contemporary democracies, at both the national and su...
Otvorenost i transparentnost jedna su od važnijih obilježja moderne javne uprave i predstavljaju tem...
Rad se bavi načelima otvorenosti i transparentnosti kao temeljnim načelima moderne javne uprave, s n...
Načela transparentnosti i otvorenosti smatraju se temeljem dobrog upravljanja, te se tih dvaju načel...
Despite improvements in the transparency of local government budgets in the Republic of Croatia, the...
Jedinice samouprave uspostavljene su provedbom postupka decentralizacije s ciljem približavanja vlas...
We measure budget transparency in 33 Croatian cities in 2010, investigating the quality of city budg...
The main aim of the diploma thesis is to demonstrate different views on transparency and on instrume...
This paper examines through what means local government can realize transparency policies and to wha...
Javno upravljanje u današnjim okvirima naglašava potrebu za djelovanjem javne vlasti i uprave koje ć...
Objective to investigate the mechanisms of citizens and public institutions participation in public ...
Pitanje primjene standarda transparentnosti i otvorenosti rada lokalnih tijela nije apstraktno pitan...
Local government political leaders have a hard job these days. More and more they are confronted by ...
Transparency is one of the highest qualities of democracy based on ethics and good governance where ...
Resumé Information duty of municipalities in selected countries In this thesis I have concentrated o...