The demonstration of type specific streptococcal antibody by a hemagglutination technique employing tannic acid

  • W. Denny
  • Lewis Thomas
Publication date
September 2016


Immunity to the group A streptococcus has been shown to be associated with the formation of anti-body against the type-specific component of the streptococcus, the M protein of Lancefield (1, 2). The techniques that have been employed in studies of this antibody include agglutination (3), precipi-tation (4), mouse protection (5), and bacterio-stasis (6, 7). For practical purposes, in the study of human infections, all of these methods except the bacteriostatic test have proved to be unsatis-factory. The latter test, as described by Roth-bard (7), yields reliable results but the numerous technical difficulties inherent in the procedure have made it desirable to find another method for the demonstration of type specific antibodies. The presen...

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