Characterization of the Resulting Incapacitation Following Unexpected +Gz-lnduced Loss of Consciousness

  • Ph. D
  • Russell R. Burton
  • Sep D. V. M
  • Ph. D
  • Patricia A. Boll
  • Douglas R. Eddy
  • Ph. D
Publication date
January 1987


ization of the resulting incapacitation following unexpected +G:- to occur. The very high onset +G (VHOG) capabilities induced loss of consciousness. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 1987; of existing aircraft which can sustain the +G force 58:631-6. +Gz-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) results In In- will predispose aircrew to LOC episodes as long as capacitatlon whichcan be characterized by the unconscious there is a difference in the levels of the heart and 0 period (absolute Incapacitation) and a subsequent period of brain within the +Gz field. Detailed knowledge of the confusion/dlsorientatlon (relative Incapacitation). The sum of characteristics of +Gz-induced LOC are essential for the absolute and relative Incapacitation periods repre...

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