Linkage of autosomal dominant iris hypoplasia to the region of the Rieger syndrome locus (4q25

  • Elise Heon
  • Bhavna P. Sheth
  • Jeffrey W. Kalenak
  • Sara L. F. Sunden
  • Luan M. Streb
  • Chris M. Taylor
  • Wallace L. M. Aiward
  • Val C. Sheffield
  • Edwin M. Stone
Publication date
January 1995
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Iris hypoplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder which is frequently associated with glaucoma. This glaucoma is usually resistant to medical therapy and can lead to blindness. A large family of Scandinavian descent with a five generation history of iris hypo-plasia was studied. Fifteen individuals were found to have iris hypoplasia, nine of whom had associated glaucoma. In an attempt to identify the chromosomal location of the disease-causing gene, this family was genotyped with short tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRPs) known to map to loci previously associated with glaucoma. The juvenile glaucoma locus at 1q25 and a congenital glaucoma locus on 6p were both statistically excluded. However, significant linkage was demonstrated at the Rieg...

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