The purpose of this study was to test the factorial validity of the job-related affective well-being scale—the IWP Multi-Affect Indicator. The sample was composed of 1466 police officers and collected through self-report questionnaires. With the objective of validating the factorial structure of the IWP Multi-Affect Indicator, several models were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The results supported a four-factor structure: anxiety, comfort, depression and enthusiasm, as well as a five-factor structure including the same four factors plus a second-order factor called global affective well-being
A study was conducted on 967 police personnel of Haryana Police at Faridabad where three questionnai...
Considerable attention has been given to the mental health outcomes of police officers, with prior r...
The aim of this study is to assess the effective measurement range of Ryff's Psychological Well-bein...
Validation evidence is provided for scales that measure five aspects of affective well-being in rela...
Objectives The first aim of the study reported in this article was to test the factorial structure o...
Objectives: The aim of this study was to verify psychometric properties of the Polish version of the...
The multidimensional measure of the job-related affective well-being developed by Warr (1990) is a f...
Ryff's (1989b) Psychological Well-Being (PWB) scales measure six related constructs of human functio...
Ryff’s (1989b) Psychological Well-Being (PWB) scales measure six related constructs of human functio...
The purpose of this study was to validate two new scales on actions and feelings for well-being in k...
Well-being indicators are often conceptualized either as positive feeling (e.g. happiness), positive...
Well-being is typically defined as positive feeling (e.g. happiness), positive functioning (e.g. com...
This study examined the relationship between optimism and psychological well-being (PWB)...
The research examined data from employees in a regional police force as part of a collaboration with...
The study of mental wellbeing requires reliable, valid, and practical measurement tools. One of the ...
A study was conducted on 967 police personnel of Haryana Police at Faridabad where three questionnai...
Considerable attention has been given to the mental health outcomes of police officers, with prior r...
The aim of this study is to assess the effective measurement range of Ryff's Psychological Well-bein...
Validation evidence is provided for scales that measure five aspects of affective well-being in rela...
Objectives The first aim of the study reported in this article was to test the factorial structure o...
Objectives: The aim of this study was to verify psychometric properties of the Polish version of the...
The multidimensional measure of the job-related affective well-being developed by Warr (1990) is a f...
Ryff's (1989b) Psychological Well-Being (PWB) scales measure six related constructs of human functio...
Ryff’s (1989b) Psychological Well-Being (PWB) scales measure six related constructs of human functio...
The purpose of this study was to validate two new scales on actions and feelings for well-being in k...
Well-being indicators are often conceptualized either as positive feeling (e.g. happiness), positive...
Well-being is typically defined as positive feeling (e.g. happiness), positive functioning (e.g. com...
This study examined the relationship between optimism and psychological well-being (PWB)...
The research examined data from employees in a regional police force as part of a collaboration with...
The study of mental wellbeing requires reliable, valid, and practical measurement tools. One of the ...
A study was conducted on 967 police personnel of Haryana Police at Faridabad where three questionnai...
Considerable attention has been given to the mental health outcomes of police officers, with prior r...
The aim of this study is to assess the effective measurement range of Ryff's Psychological Well-bein...