Genus Hylaeus Fabricius

  • New Guinea (hymenoptera
  • Yoshihiro H Irashima
  • Osamu Tadauchi
  • Subgenus Prosopisteroides Hirashima
Publication date
September 2016


Two new species of the subgenus Prosopisteroides of the genus Hylaeus, marga-retae and paradisicola, are described and the male characters of P r o s o p i s t e r o i d e s are discussed. The subgenus Prosopisteroides of the genus Hylaeus is endemic to New Guinea and shows very interesting characters (Hirashima, 1967). It has been known by the female of two species only. We were able to collect two new species of this subgenus including the male during our 1982 expedition to Papua New Guinea. It is very interesting to note that the male of Prosopisteroidks is pro-vided with the diagnostic characters common with the female. Now, Prosopisteroides is represented by four species. The descriptions of new species are given below

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