Over time, Asia's share is projected to remain fairly stable, but Europe's share will almost be halved and Africa's share more than doubled. PelicyR Xrch Wodring Ppeasdisannte thefindmgsofwo m p and enoage the xchampeof ideas mmgBankstaff ono alloXsith rcsl,o in dvelop ilmhesepapes, diuted by fieResarch Adviswy Stafi, c nythenameof the uthoxs dlec ordy thdrviews, nd sboWdoolueadcuited accodngly.Thefindtginss intdot,nscanduchdesathestrhoneown.Teyshoudd no be atuhlcd to the Wodtd Bank, its Board of Dinctam its managaemn, or any of its menber comume Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz e
International audienceEuropean population growth has slowed over the last thirty years, with a stead...
© 2018 The Author(s). Background: There is a gap in knowledge on long term pace of population aging ...
The world population is still growing. After topping 6 billion in 1999, it will reach 7 billion this...
New estimates of trends in demographic indicators from the 1970s and revised projections for all cou...
The population of the Africa region is growing faster than the population in any other region. It sh...
In Latin America and the Caribbean, life expectancy is slightly above the world's average, whic...
New estimates of trends in demographic indicators from the 1 970s and revised projections for all co...
This report contains 1993 estiiiates of world population by country and region from 1950 to 1990 and...
This paper presents probabilistic population projections for five regions of Asia (South Asia, Centr...
Population projections are provided here for the individual countries comprising the Asia region. Th...
<p>DESCRIPTION: The figure shows the dynamics of Working Ratio (the ratio of working-age to non-work...
In the next two decades, the world will face two major - and opposing - demographic challenges: rapi...
The West Asia and North Africa region consists of 20 countries. The region had a population of 181 m...
This study provides simulations showing what global and regional population sizes would be if the re...
Central and Eastern Europe: Increasingly Diverse Situations 1 992 may be the last recessionary year...
International audienceEuropean population growth has slowed over the last thirty years, with a stead...
© 2018 The Author(s). Background: There is a gap in knowledge on long term pace of population aging ...
The world population is still growing. After topping 6 billion in 1999, it will reach 7 billion this...
New estimates of trends in demographic indicators from the 1970s and revised projections for all cou...
The population of the Africa region is growing faster than the population in any other region. It sh...
In Latin America and the Caribbean, life expectancy is slightly above the world's average, whic...
New estimates of trends in demographic indicators from the 1 970s and revised projections for all co...
This report contains 1993 estiiiates of world population by country and region from 1950 to 1990 and...
This paper presents probabilistic population projections for five regions of Asia (South Asia, Centr...
Population projections are provided here for the individual countries comprising the Asia region. Th...
<p>DESCRIPTION: The figure shows the dynamics of Working Ratio (the ratio of working-age to non-work...
In the next two decades, the world will face two major - and opposing - demographic challenges: rapi...
The West Asia and North Africa region consists of 20 countries. The region had a population of 181 m...
This study provides simulations showing what global and regional population sizes would be if the re...
Central and Eastern Europe: Increasingly Diverse Situations 1 992 may be the last recessionary year...
International audienceEuropean population growth has slowed over the last thirty years, with a stead...
© 2018 The Author(s). Background: There is a gap in knowledge on long term pace of population aging ...
The world population is still growing. After topping 6 billion in 1999, it will reach 7 billion this...