A gender gap in alcohol and drug use exists but is somewhat smaller than the gender gap in other forms of delinquency. This article extends studies that examine the gender–delinquency relationship to substance use in particular and estimate the extent to which major risk and protective factors mediate the association between gender and alcohol and marijuana use. The authors simultaneously draw on two traditional delinquency theories, social learning and social control, and the feminist pathways perspective regarding victimiza-tions. This gendered pathways approach highlights the extent to which gen-der influences life experiences and thus the trajectories of girls and boys. In a large sample of 8th to 12th graders, school bonds and victimiz...
This study was undertaken to evaluate gender differences in predictors of substance use in clinic-re...
Aims From the pre-teen to the mid-teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
Aker’s (1998) theory of social structure and social learning (SSSL) argues that structural variation...
The following study was a secondary analysis of data drawn from adolescents in South Western Ontari...
To date, research exploring gender differences in the relationship between exposure to community vio...
A significant amount of research has examined the complex set of ecological factors that are associa...
Although the theory of social disorganisation does emphasise the influences neighbourhood dynamics ...
-Societal gender inequality relates to gender differences in adolescent substance use.-The gender ga...
Purpose: Gender differences in delinquency are well-documented, with dominant explanations drawing l...
Adolescent delinquency is costly at both the individual- level and the societal-level. Many conduct-...
Among the groups of users of illicit substances, a high percentage are persons deprived of their lib...
In the current study, we examined longitudinally whether boys and girls differed in pathways from pa...
Aims From the pre-teen to the mid-teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
Alcohol misuse is an important public health concern as it is related to an elevated probability of ...
Aims From the pre‐teen to the mid‐teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
This study was undertaken to evaluate gender differences in predictors of substance use in clinic-re...
Aims From the pre-teen to the mid-teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
Aker’s (1998) theory of social structure and social learning (SSSL) argues that structural variation...
The following study was a secondary analysis of data drawn from adolescents in South Western Ontari...
To date, research exploring gender differences in the relationship between exposure to community vio...
A significant amount of research has examined the complex set of ecological factors that are associa...
Although the theory of social disorganisation does emphasise the influences neighbourhood dynamics ...
-Societal gender inequality relates to gender differences in adolescent substance use.-The gender ga...
Purpose: Gender differences in delinquency are well-documented, with dominant explanations drawing l...
Adolescent delinquency is costly at both the individual- level and the societal-level. Many conduct-...
Among the groups of users of illicit substances, a high percentage are persons deprived of their lib...
In the current study, we examined longitudinally whether boys and girls differed in pathways from pa...
Aims From the pre-teen to the mid-teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
Alcohol misuse is an important public health concern as it is related to an elevated probability of ...
Aims From the pre‐teen to the mid‐teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
This study was undertaken to evaluate gender differences in predictors of substance use in clinic-re...
Aims From the pre-teen to the mid-teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cros...
Aker’s (1998) theory of social structure and social learning (SSSL) argues that structural variation...