Shoutld all imports be taxed at uniform rates? Should interme-diate inputs be subject to import duties? If so, should duty draw-backs play a role in exports? Ihe Policy, Research, and External Affais Comnplex distibues PRE Wodking Papers to diasanin the findigs of wot in progms and to eneorge the exchange of ideas among Bank sff and all othes inteasted in development issutw.Tese papen cmy the nanes of the authors, eflect only their views. and should b used and cited aceordingly. 1h findings, inapreautio, and conclusios are the autbos own. They shonid not be attributed to the World Bank, iu Board of Diretors, its managanent, or any of ita member countries. Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic...
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed ...
Tariffs on imports protect domestic producers and raise public revenue. The World Development Report...
By reducing the marginal revenue of the factors of production, a voluntary export restraint (VER) ca...
In the course of trade-policy reforms, countries must confront at least two important questions with...
Tariff rates on specific products and the ratio of tariff revenue to import value are only tenuously...
In moving toward an ideal policy scheme, value-added taxes and excises on luxury commodities and on ...
Tariff reduction designed to encourage outward-oriented development will work only if alternative so...
The paper analyzes duty drawbacks in the presence of domestic distortions. Introducing duty drawback...
Many economists believe that international trade and finance is the place where the discipline of e...
When imports are predominantly intermnediate inputs- as they are in most developing countries- impor...
Tariff reduction designed to encourage outward-oriented development will work only if alternative so...
Reforming export policies alone- without reforming India's import and tax systems- will produce...
Simulation results provide a quantitative argument against the imposition of antidumping duties. nho...
2006 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expre...
Observed patterns of tariffs across countries, and of trade policies more generally, are very puzzli...
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed ...
Tariffs on imports protect domestic producers and raise public revenue. The World Development Report...
By reducing the marginal revenue of the factors of production, a voluntary export restraint (VER) ca...
In the course of trade-policy reforms, countries must confront at least two important questions with...
Tariff rates on specific products and the ratio of tariff revenue to import value are only tenuously...
In moving toward an ideal policy scheme, value-added taxes and excises on luxury commodities and on ...
Tariff reduction designed to encourage outward-oriented development will work only if alternative so...
The paper analyzes duty drawbacks in the presence of domestic distortions. Introducing duty drawback...
Many economists believe that international trade and finance is the place where the discipline of e...
When imports are predominantly intermnediate inputs- as they are in most developing countries- impor...
Tariff reduction designed to encourage outward-oriented development will work only if alternative so...
Reforming export policies alone- without reforming India's import and tax systems- will produce...
Simulation results provide a quantitative argument against the imposition of antidumping duties. nho...
2006 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expre...
Observed patterns of tariffs across countries, and of trade policies more generally, are very puzzli...
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed ...
Tariffs on imports protect domestic producers and raise public revenue. The World Development Report...
By reducing the marginal revenue of the factors of production, a voluntary export restraint (VER) ca...