2 Almost one in ten Australians has received acupuncture treatment by acupuncturists and/or medical doctors in private clinics. The majority of Australian health insurance funds offer rebates for acupuncture. Statutory regulations for acupuncture have been implemented in the State of Victoria, Australia. Six acupuncture degree courses have been approved by the Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria and/or accredited by the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association. Furthermore, a number of clinical trials of acupuncture on allergic rhinitis, pain and women’s health were carried out in Australia. Recent developments of acupuncture in Australia indicate that through adequate and appropriate evaluation, acupuncture begin...
© Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. Background Traditional Chinese Medicine has conside...
ObjectivesTo ascertain the extent of the use of acupuncture and the characteristics of general pract...
ObjectiveTo ascertain the incidence of acupuncture claims and the characteristics of patients claimi...
Abstract Almost one in ten Australians has received acupuncture treatment by acupuncturists and/or m...
Almost one in ten Australians has received acupuncture treatment by acupuncturists and/or medical do...
Acupuncture was introduced to Australia as early as in the 1880s, and is a form of complementary and...
AbstractAcupuncture was introduced to Australia as early as in the 1880s, and is a form of complemen...
The implementation of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for the Health Professions ...
This article examines the drive for legitimation on the part of Chinese medicine and more specifical...
In 1996 a government review of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was commissioned by the Victorian,...
Objectives: To ascertain the extent of and trends in the use of acupuncture in Australian general pr...
Objectives: Chinese medicine is a complex domain of theoretical and practical approaches that is bei...
Complementary therapies may be rejected by doctors as quackery or incorporated by doctors as part of...
In 2012 the largest survey of primary Chinese medicine (CM) practitioners in Australia since 1996 wa...
In 1996 a government review of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was commissioned by the Victorian,...
© Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. Background Traditional Chinese Medicine has conside...
ObjectivesTo ascertain the extent of the use of acupuncture and the characteristics of general pract...
ObjectiveTo ascertain the incidence of acupuncture claims and the characteristics of patients claimi...
Abstract Almost one in ten Australians has received acupuncture treatment by acupuncturists and/or m...
Almost one in ten Australians has received acupuncture treatment by acupuncturists and/or medical do...
Acupuncture was introduced to Australia as early as in the 1880s, and is a form of complementary and...
AbstractAcupuncture was introduced to Australia as early as in the 1880s, and is a form of complemen...
The implementation of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for the Health Professions ...
This article examines the drive for legitimation on the part of Chinese medicine and more specifical...
In 1996 a government review of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was commissioned by the Victorian,...
Objectives: To ascertain the extent of and trends in the use of acupuncture in Australian general pr...
Objectives: Chinese medicine is a complex domain of theoretical and practical approaches that is bei...
Complementary therapies may be rejected by doctors as quackery or incorporated by doctors as part of...
In 2012 the largest survey of primary Chinese medicine (CM) practitioners in Australia since 1996 wa...
In 1996 a government review of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was commissioned by the Victorian,...
© Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. Background Traditional Chinese Medicine has conside...
ObjectivesTo ascertain the extent of the use of acupuncture and the characteristics of general pract...
ObjectiveTo ascertain the incidence of acupuncture claims and the characteristics of patients claimi...