humanity of historical moment) [Apolityczna polityka i rzeczywistość polityczna (humanistyka Masaryka)]. Studia Edukacyjne nr 21, 2012, Poznań 2012, pp. 19-29. Adam Mickiewicz Univer-sity Press. ISBN 978-83-232-2485-3. ISSN 1233-6688 Humanist Masaryk made every effort to persuade heads and hearts; he created an image of a citi-zen and civil society by philosophy of humanity and apolitical politics. Masaryk‘s apolitical poli-tics interfered with the political reality and economic instability of the state built in the spirit of democratic humanism. Key words: Humanity, apolitical politics, Masaryk Thereby, as a result of current economic conditions, a general dissatisfaction inevitably develops, which in many cases steps in weariness of life....