Poultry farming has become a multinational agribusiness resulting in disappearence of poultry husbandry departments in universities. Development of least cost feed formulation is of great economic value. Historical developments in the field of metabolizable energy, amino acid bioavailability, and some newer trends are mentioned. RISE AND FALL OF FAMILY POULTRY FARM In the early 1950’s, about 5 million farmers also indulged in poultry production which contributed about 14 % of the yearly farm income in the U.S.A. Over 50 % of eggs and chickens came from farms with less than 200 birds (Jull, 1951). A family with about 10,000 laying hens made quite a decent living in California. Feed mills, feed stores, hatcheries, egg grading stations, and sl...
The U.S. poultry industry requires a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind the ch...
There are millions of chickens in Africa, and there are ducks, geese and guinea fowl too. Perhaps as...
Poultry products are a very rich source of highly nutritious substances indispensable in the human d...
First paragraphs: Today, Americans consume an average of 91 pounds (41 kilograms) of chicken annuall...
The farms of wide-open pastures, free-ranging cows, and chicken pens are becoming a thing of the pas...
The billion dollar poultry industry of the United States has grown tremendously in the last three de...
The poultry industry is a big business. In the last year, poultry producers enjoyed a 1,500,000,000 ...
The poultry farming of layers in Japan has been under production control since five years ago. Many ...
Following a drought period (1995-2010) in the Matruh region in Egypt and an increase in feed prices,...
Following a drought period (1995-2010) in the Matruh region in Egypt and an increase in feed prices,...
This publication features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a new "how-to" guide to rai...
Pastured poultry is poultry rotationally raised on pasture, as opposed to large-scale confinement op...
This bulletin from 1913 reports early work on the biology of poultry keeping. It includes sections o...
Chicken is one of the main proteins that feeds the world. For centuries, the human race has relied o...
This was was a news release by the UDSA Agricultural Research Administration. It tells how one can e...
The U.S. poultry industry requires a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind the ch...
There are millions of chickens in Africa, and there are ducks, geese and guinea fowl too. Perhaps as...
Poultry products are a very rich source of highly nutritious substances indispensable in the human d...
First paragraphs: Today, Americans consume an average of 91 pounds (41 kilograms) of chicken annuall...
The farms of wide-open pastures, free-ranging cows, and chicken pens are becoming a thing of the pas...
The billion dollar poultry industry of the United States has grown tremendously in the last three de...
The poultry industry is a big business. In the last year, poultry producers enjoyed a 1,500,000,000 ...
The poultry farming of layers in Japan has been under production control since five years ago. Many ...
Following a drought period (1995-2010) in the Matruh region in Egypt and an increase in feed prices,...
Following a drought period (1995-2010) in the Matruh region in Egypt and an increase in feed prices,...
This publication features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a new "how-to" guide to rai...
Pastured poultry is poultry rotationally raised on pasture, as opposed to large-scale confinement op...
This bulletin from 1913 reports early work on the biology of poultry keeping. It includes sections o...
Chicken is one of the main proteins that feeds the world. For centuries, the human race has relied o...
This was was a news release by the UDSA Agricultural Research Administration. It tells how one can e...
The U.S. poultry industry requires a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind the ch...
There are millions of chickens in Africa, and there are ducks, geese and guinea fowl too. Perhaps as...
Poultry products are a very rich source of highly nutritious substances indispensable in the human d...