private letter

  • An Gale
  • Royal Free Hospital
  • Pond Street
Publication date
January 1987


in subtemporal soft tissue. According to Doroghazi et a16 patients with multiple lower cranial nerve palsies usually have bone erosion around the jugular foramen which suggests that palsies of lower cranial nerves, apart from VII, are due to osteomyelitis of the skull base or to an associated extradural abscess or petrosal sinus thrombosis. According to Mendelson et al, ' Tc99 and Ga6l scans are the most helpful radiological investigations in the diagnosis of invasive external otitis, computed tomography is useful for diagnosing and assessing soft-tissue extension, and Ga67 scans are best for following resolution of infection. The Tc99 bone scan in our patient supported the possibility of osteomyelitis, the plain radio-graphs, tomogram...

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