RECENT YEARS the social workprofession has directed attention to the special needs of men and women who are homosexual. ' However. al-most no knowledge has been available to social workers about the needs of a group within the gay and lesbian community that is most vul-nerable to social. economic. and psy-chological forces and. therefore. most likely to come to the attention of so-cial workers. This is the group of older gays and lesbians. people aged 40 and over, who. by conservative esti-mate, number one and three-quarter million persons in the United States.s The purpose of this article is to report findings from in-depth interviews with eighteen older homosexuals in a pre-liminary attempt to identify the char-acteristics and needs ...
To examine lesbian and gay people's expectations of support, socialising and cohabitation in older a...
Social support becomes an increasingly important resource for people as they age. Research has shown...
This article explores how sexual orientation1 may impact on concerns about, and experiences of, end ...
This study explores the experience of growing older as a gay man. In an attempt to contribute to th...
Older lesbian and gay people are increasingly open about their sexuality but have also experienced a...
Many lesbian and gay (LG) elders, classified by various social scientific researchers as\ud individu...
Studying the aging process of gay men and lesbians is problematic because it assumes that sexual...
The psycho-social contexts of older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals suggest that they ma...
Although Sweden is considered to be in the lead concerning an open-minded perception of the lesbian,...
This paper presents data from a small study exploring the impacts of homophobia on the lives of olde...
Few studies have been carried out that examine the effects aging has on the health of older LGBT ind...
According to latest estimates, there are approximately 6,000 to 20,000 older lesbians in Connecticut...
Over the next twenty to thirty years, nearly four million LGBT Baby Boomers will be retiring and beg...
This paper presents data from a small study exploring the impacts of homophobia on the lives of olde...
The older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population is often underrepresented in the current body ...
To examine lesbian and gay people's expectations of support, socialising and cohabitation in older a...
Social support becomes an increasingly important resource for people as they age. Research has shown...
This article explores how sexual orientation1 may impact on concerns about, and experiences of, end ...
This study explores the experience of growing older as a gay man. In an attempt to contribute to th...
Older lesbian and gay people are increasingly open about their sexuality but have also experienced a...
Many lesbian and gay (LG) elders, classified by various social scientific researchers as\ud individu...
Studying the aging process of gay men and lesbians is problematic because it assumes that sexual...
The psycho-social contexts of older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals suggest that they ma...
Although Sweden is considered to be in the lead concerning an open-minded perception of the lesbian,...
This paper presents data from a small study exploring the impacts of homophobia on the lives of olde...
Few studies have been carried out that examine the effects aging has on the health of older LGBT ind...
According to latest estimates, there are approximately 6,000 to 20,000 older lesbians in Connecticut...
Over the next twenty to thirty years, nearly four million LGBT Baby Boomers will be retiring and beg...
This paper presents data from a small study exploring the impacts of homophobia on the lives of olde...
The older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population is often underrepresented in the current body ...
To examine lesbian and gay people's expectations of support, socialising and cohabitation in older a...
Social support becomes an increasingly important resource for people as they age. Research has shown...
This article explores how sexual orientation1 may impact on concerns about, and experiences of, end ...