Applications such as radar imaging and wideband communications are driving the research on millimeter-wave circuits. For some applications SiGe hetero junction bipolar transistors (HBTs) are limited in output power. III-V technologies (like InP) can realize devices showing a high product of peak transit frequency multiplied with the open base breakdown voltage. Therefore, merging the qualities of both III-V and Si technology will enable a new class of high-performance ICs. Our approach combines an InP-DHBT transferred-substrate process with a Si-BiCMOS process. The key method is an aligned face-to-face wafer bonding with a subsequent removal of the InP substrate. Different integrated signal sources with an output frequency up to 246 GHz wer...
SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT's) and micromachined lumped passive components have bee...
We present recent results on the direct heterogeneous integration of InP HBTs and Si CMOS on a silic...
This dissertation explores high-speed silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HB...
In this paper, the latest developments of a high performance SiGe BiCMOS technology with embedded Th...
Active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar systems for military and commercial applications ha...
Abstract—This work presents a case study of circuit-to-circuit substrate coupling between a 24-GHz p...
In last decade, SiGe BiCMOS technologies open a new cost-efficient market first at mm-wave frequenci...
Abstract—Compared to SiGe, InP HBTs offer superior electron transport properties but inferior scalin...
Les transistors bipolaires à hétérojonctions (TBH) Si/SiGe:C disponibles aujourd'hui dans les techno...
SiGe is a significant enabling technology for therealization of integrated circuits used in high per...
Abstract — Heterojunction bipolar transistors with carbon-doped SiGe base layer (SiGe:C HBTs) showi...
Our direct growth approach of integrating compound semiconductors (CS) and silicon CMOS is based on ...
Compared to SiGe, InP HBTs offer superior electron transport properties but inferior scaling and par...
For the first time, technology capable of wafer-scale device-level integration of InP HBTs and CMOS ...
We present results on the direct monolithic integration of III-V devices and Si CMOS on a silicon su...
SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT's) and micromachined lumped passive components have bee...
We present recent results on the direct heterogeneous integration of InP HBTs and Si CMOS on a silic...
This dissertation explores high-speed silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HB...
In this paper, the latest developments of a high performance SiGe BiCMOS technology with embedded Th...
Active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar systems for military and commercial applications ha...
Abstract—This work presents a case study of circuit-to-circuit substrate coupling between a 24-GHz p...
In last decade, SiGe BiCMOS technologies open a new cost-efficient market first at mm-wave frequenci...
Abstract—Compared to SiGe, InP HBTs offer superior electron transport properties but inferior scalin...
Les transistors bipolaires à hétérojonctions (TBH) Si/SiGe:C disponibles aujourd'hui dans les techno...
SiGe is a significant enabling technology for therealization of integrated circuits used in high per...
Abstract — Heterojunction bipolar transistors with carbon-doped SiGe base layer (SiGe:C HBTs) showi...
Our direct growth approach of integrating compound semiconductors (CS) and silicon CMOS is based on ...
Compared to SiGe, InP HBTs offer superior electron transport properties but inferior scaling and par...
For the first time, technology capable of wafer-scale device-level integration of InP HBTs and CMOS ...
We present results on the direct monolithic integration of III-V devices and Si CMOS on a silicon su...
SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT's) and micromachined lumped passive components have bee...
We present recent results on the direct heterogeneous integration of InP HBTs and Si CMOS on a silic...
This dissertation explores high-speed silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HB...