Ms. G.M. is a 79-year-old woman who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in June 2008, at which time she under-went neoadjuvant chemoradiation. This was followed by a three-hole esopha-gectomy with a thorascopic right chest dissection in May 2009, with complete pathologic response. Unfortunately, in May 2010 she was found to have a recur-rence on chest CT; a CT-guided biopsy demonstrated metastatic carcinoma. Ms. G.M. underwent a video-assisted thoracic surgery wedge resection, and pathology revealed a squamous cell carcinoma consistent with her prior esophageal cancer. Subsequently, she developed another recurrence in the right upper lobe of the lung with me-diastinal lymphadenopathy consistent with recurrent esophageal cancer. She began s...