Adaptation of the black yeast wangiella dermatitidis to ionizing radiation: Molecular and cellular mechanisms. PLoS One 2012

  • Kelly L. Robertson
  • Anahita Mostaghim
  • Christina A. Cuomo
  • Carissa M. Soto
  • Nikolai Lebedev
  • Robert F. Bailey
  • Zheng Wang
Publication date
August 2016


Observations of enhanced growth of melanized fungi under low-dose ionizing radiation in the laboratory and in the damaged Chernobyl nuclear reactor suggest they have adapted the ability to survive or even benefit from exposure to ionizing radiation. However, the cellular and molecular mechanism of fungal responses to such radiation remains poorly understood. Using the black yeast Wangiella dermatitidis as a model, we confirmed that ionizing radiation enhanced cell growth by increasing cell division and cell size. Using RNA-seq technology, we compared the transcriptomic profiles of the wild type and the melanin-deficient wdpks1 mutant under irradiation and non-irradiation conditions. It was found that more than 3000 genes were differentially...

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