Onychomatricoma: a tumor unknown to dermatologists*

  • An Bras Dermatol
  • Glaysson Tassara
  • Tavares Nilton
  • Di Chiacchio
  • Nilton Gioia
  • Di Chiacchio
  • Marcos Vilela Souza
Publication date
August 2016


Abstract: A sixty-one year old white female was referred to the Dermatology Department to treat an ingrown nail in the inner corner of the left hallux. Examination of the entire nail unit showed the presence of xanthonychia in the outer corner besides thickening and increase in the transverse curvature of the nail plate. Dermoscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance of the free edge of the nail plate detected characteristic signs of onychomatricoma, a diagnosis that was later confirmed by anatomopathological exam

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