Hubs and Authorities in the World Trade Network Using a Weighted HITS Algorithm

  • Tsuyoshi Deguchi
  • Katsuhide Takahashi
  • Hideki Takayasu
  • Misako Takayasu
Publication date
January 2014
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We investigate the economic hubs and authorities of the world trade network (WTN) from 1992 to 2012, an era of rapid economic globalization. Using a well-defined weighted hyperlink-induced topic search (HITS) algorithm, we can calculate the values of the weighted HITS hub and authority for each country in a conjugate way. In the context of the WTN, authority values are large for countries with significant imports from large hub countries, and hub values are large for countries with significant exports to high-authority countries. The United States was the largest economic authority in the WTN from 1992 to 2012. The authority value of the United States has declined since 2001, and China has now become the largest hub in the WTN. At the same ...

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