Directly modulated semiconductor lasers are widely used, compact light sources in optical communications. Semiconductors can also be used to generate nonclassical light; in fact, CMOS-compatible silicon chips can be used to generate pairs of single photons at room temperature. Unlike the classical laser, the photon-pair source requires control over a two-dimensional joint spectral intensity (JSI) and it is not possible to process the photons separately, as this could destroy the entanglement. Here we design a photon-pair source, consisting of planar lightwave components fabricated using CMOS-compatible lithography in silicon, which has the capability to vary the JSI. By controlling either the optical pump wavelength, or the temperature of t...
Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Comput...
This thesis work covers scientific and technological advancements in integrated silicon photonics ci...
Advances in quantum photonics have shown that chip-scale quantum devices are translating from the re...
Photon pair sources with the capability to tune the wavelength and correlation properties of the gen...
We report photon pairs and heralded single photons generated at 1310 nm wavelengths using silicon ph...
We demonstrate room temperature heralded single photon generation in a CMOS-compatible silicon nanop...
Quantum photonics is a promising technology for implementing quantum information tasks. We demonstra...
We present a new class of photon pair sources on a silicon chip. The source is based on nanophotonic...
We present a new class of photon pair sources on a silicon chip. The source is based on nanophotonic...
A central goal for quantum technologies is to develop platforms for precise and scalable control of ...
We present a new class of photon pair sources on a silicon chip. The source is based on nanophotonic...
Quantum-based communication systems can potentially achieve the ultimate security from eavesdropping...
Considerable research work is being devoted to the integration of quantum optical components on a si...
The ability to shape photon emission facilitates strong photon-mediated interactions between dispara...
On-chip heralded single photon sources are of key importance in the development of chip-scale device...
Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Comput...
This thesis work covers scientific and technological advancements in integrated silicon photonics ci...
Advances in quantum photonics have shown that chip-scale quantum devices are translating from the re...
Photon pair sources with the capability to tune the wavelength and correlation properties of the gen...
We report photon pairs and heralded single photons generated at 1310 nm wavelengths using silicon ph...
We demonstrate room temperature heralded single photon generation in a CMOS-compatible silicon nanop...
Quantum photonics is a promising technology for implementing quantum information tasks. We demonstra...
We present a new class of photon pair sources on a silicon chip. The source is based on nanophotonic...
We present a new class of photon pair sources on a silicon chip. The source is based on nanophotonic...
A central goal for quantum technologies is to develop platforms for precise and scalable control of ...
We present a new class of photon pair sources on a silicon chip. The source is based on nanophotonic...
Quantum-based communication systems can potentially achieve the ultimate security from eavesdropping...
Considerable research work is being devoted to the integration of quantum optical components on a si...
The ability to shape photon emission facilitates strong photon-mediated interactions between dispara...
On-chip heralded single photon sources are of key importance in the development of chip-scale device...
Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Comput...
This thesis work covers scientific and technological advancements in integrated silicon photonics ci...
Advances in quantum photonics have shown that chip-scale quantum devices are translating from the re...