# The Author(s) 2009. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract Childhood predictors of adolescent offending careers were studied in 310 boys from the longitudinal Pittsburgh Youth Study who started offending prior to age 12. Three main groups were distinguished: serious persisters (n=95), moderately serious persisters (n=117), desisters (n= 63), and an intermittent group (n=35). Group membership was predicted using risk and promotive factors measured in childhood. Serious and moderately serious persisters could be distinguished well from desisters (29.2 % and 32.3% explained variance). Distinction between the two persister groups proved somewhat more difficult (20.9 % explained variance). More serious persiste...
Previous research is mixed on whether the commission of a violent offense in adolescence is predicti...
Background and Aims As our previous study indicated, almost half of juvenile delinquents continued ...
Meta-analyses have provided major findings about developmental predictors of offending. However, the...
Childhood predictors of adolescent offending careers were studied in 310 boys from the longitudinal ...
The aim of this article is to investigate the extent to which childhood risk and protective factors ...
peer reviewedThis study examines resilience and desistance from delinquent behaviours and attempts t...
This study examines characteristics of those who desist from compared to those who persist in delinq...
In this study, we evaluated a model of criminal offending that included the influences of family env...
Contains fulltext : 73398.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)We investigate...
Criminal and anti-social behaviors are mainly perpetrated by adults with a history of juvenile delin...
This longitudinal study of disadvantaged boys (N = 258) had three aims. The first aim was to identif...
Early-onset offending is generally recognized as a risk factor for persistent criminal behavior. How...
Research has indicated that life-course persistent offenders typically vary their offending style, f...
While much is known about adolescent delinquency, considerably less attention has been given to adol...
Linking recently collected data to form what is arguably the longest longitudinal study of crime to ...
Previous research is mixed on whether the commission of a violent offense in adolescence is predicti...
Background and Aims As our previous study indicated, almost half of juvenile delinquents continued ...
Meta-analyses have provided major findings about developmental predictors of offending. However, the...
Childhood predictors of adolescent offending careers were studied in 310 boys from the longitudinal ...
The aim of this article is to investigate the extent to which childhood risk and protective factors ...
peer reviewedThis study examines resilience and desistance from delinquent behaviours and attempts t...
This study examines characteristics of those who desist from compared to those who persist in delinq...
In this study, we evaluated a model of criminal offending that included the influences of family env...
Contains fulltext : 73398.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)We investigate...
Criminal and anti-social behaviors are mainly perpetrated by adults with a history of juvenile delin...
This longitudinal study of disadvantaged boys (N = 258) had three aims. The first aim was to identif...
Early-onset offending is generally recognized as a risk factor for persistent criminal behavior. How...
Research has indicated that life-course persistent offenders typically vary their offending style, f...
While much is known about adolescent delinquency, considerably less attention has been given to adol...
Linking recently collected data to form what is arguably the longest longitudinal study of crime to ...
Previous research is mixed on whether the commission of a violent offense in adolescence is predicti...
Background and Aims As our previous study indicated, almost half of juvenile delinquents continued ...
Meta-analyses have provided major findings about developmental predictors of offending. However, the...