In this article, we state the Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions around a global minimum of the principal symbol of a self-adjoint semiclassi-cal Toeplitz operator on a compact connected Kähler surface, using an argument of normal form which is obtained thanks to Fourier inte-gral operators. These conditions give an asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalues of the operator in a neighbourhood of fixed size of the sin-gularity. We also recover the usual Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions away from the critical point. We end by investigating an example on the two-dimensional torus
We consider a boundary value problem for a homogeneous elliptic equation with an inhomogeneous Stekl...
The aim of the book is to present new results in operator theory and its applications. In particular...
We interest ourselves in the spectral theory of non self-adjoint semi-classical operators in dimensi...
International audienceIn this article, we state the Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions around a global minim...
International audienceIn this article, we state the Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions around a singular val...
In this thesis, we prove some direct and inverse spectral results, in the semiclassical limit, for s...
Dans cette thèse, nous prouvons des résultats de théorie spectrale, directe et inverse, dans la limi...
Abstract. This article is devoted to the quantization of the Lagrangian sub-manifold in the context ...
The classical theory of Toeplitz operators in spaces of analytic functions deals usually with symbol...
International audienceIn the 1980s, Helffer and Sjöstrand examined in a series of articles the conce...
This book presents boundary value problems for arbitrary elliptic pseudo-differential operators on a...
A Toeplitz operator with respect to a contractive representation ${Ts}$ of an abelian semigroup $∑ $...
Berezin-Toeplitz operators allow to quantize functions, or symbols, on compact Kähler manifolds, and...
We study one-dimensional quantum mechanical systems in the semiclassical limit. We construct a lowes...
The classical theory of Toeplitz operators in spaces of analytic functions deals usually with symbol...
We consider a boundary value problem for a homogeneous elliptic equation with an inhomogeneous Stekl...
The aim of the book is to present new results in operator theory and its applications. In particular...
We interest ourselves in the spectral theory of non self-adjoint semi-classical operators in dimensi...
International audienceIn this article, we state the Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions around a global minim...
International audienceIn this article, we state the Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions around a singular val...
In this thesis, we prove some direct and inverse spectral results, in the semiclassical limit, for s...
Dans cette thèse, nous prouvons des résultats de théorie spectrale, directe et inverse, dans la limi...
Abstract. This article is devoted to the quantization of the Lagrangian sub-manifold in the context ...
The classical theory of Toeplitz operators in spaces of analytic functions deals usually with symbol...
International audienceIn the 1980s, Helffer and Sjöstrand examined in a series of articles the conce...
This book presents boundary value problems for arbitrary elliptic pseudo-differential operators on a...
A Toeplitz operator with respect to a contractive representation ${Ts}$ of an abelian semigroup $∑ $...
Berezin-Toeplitz operators allow to quantize functions, or symbols, on compact Kähler manifolds, and...
We study one-dimensional quantum mechanical systems in the semiclassical limit. We construct a lowes...
The classical theory of Toeplitz operators in spaces of analytic functions deals usually with symbol...
We consider a boundary value problem for a homogeneous elliptic equation with an inhomogeneous Stekl...
The aim of the book is to present new results in operator theory and its applications. In particular...
We interest ourselves in the spectral theory of non self-adjoint semi-classical operators in dimensi...