Recent observational evidence suggests that the coarse angular resolution ( ∼ 20′ ′ FWHM) of single-dish telescopes at sub-mm wavelengths has biased the observed galaxy number counts by blending together the sub-mm emission from multiple sub-mm galaxies (SMGs). We use lightcones computed from an updated implementation of the GALFORM semi-analytic model to generate 50 mock sub-mm surveys of 0.5 deg2 at 850 µm, taking into account the effects of the finite single-dish beam in a more accurate way than has been done previously. We find that blending of SMGs does lead to an enhancement of source extracted number counts at bright fluxes (S850µm & 1 mJy). Typically, ∼ 4 galaxies contribute 90 % of the flux of an S850µm = 5 mJy source and thes...