The turbine bypass system (TBS) provides operational flexibility so that the plant may accept certain load changes without disturbing the nuclear steam supply system. The TBS is designed to discharge a stated percentage of rated main steam flow directly to the main condensers, bypassing the turbine. This steam bypass enables the plant to take step load reductions up to the TBS capacity without the reactor or turbine tripping. The system is also used during startup and shutdown to control reactor pressure for a boiling water reactor (BWR) and steam generator pressure for a pressurized water reactor (PWR). The TBS is not required for safe shutdown as the relief and safety valves are operated under emergency conditions. The system is not requi...
A potential source of fission product leakage following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) is the lea...
The ASB review of the structures, systems, and components (SSC) to be protected from externally gene...
During a station blackout (SBO), the initiating event is a loss of Class IV and Class III power, cau...
The main steam supply system (MSSS) for both boiling water reactor (BWR) and pressurized water react...
This Technical Specification requires the operability of the turbine bypass system prior to heating ...
Direct cycle boiling water reactor (BWR) plants have redundant quick-acting isola-tion valves on eac...
The steam release resulting from a rupture of a main steam pipe will cause an increase in steam flow...
The ASB reviews the turbine area ventilation system (TAVS) from air intake to the point of discharge...
A number of transients which are expected to occul with moderate frequency result in unplanned decre...
The transient that results from a postulated feedwater line break is sensitive to the break discharg...
The events postulated are an instantaneous seizure of the rotor or break of the shaft of a reactor c...
Nuclear power plants are provided with a control room from which actions can be taken to operate the...
The loss of nonemergency ac power is assumed to result in the loss of all power to the station auxil...
Ant.icipated transients are transients expected to occur during the life of the plant. Anticipated t...
After the Fukushima accident, beyond design basis accidents (BDBA), even though their frequency is p...
A potential source of fission product leakage following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) is the lea...
The ASB review of the structures, systems, and components (SSC) to be protected from externally gene...
During a station blackout (SBO), the initiating event is a loss of Class IV and Class III power, cau...
The main steam supply system (MSSS) for both boiling water reactor (BWR) and pressurized water react...
This Technical Specification requires the operability of the turbine bypass system prior to heating ...
Direct cycle boiling water reactor (BWR) plants have redundant quick-acting isola-tion valves on eac...
The steam release resulting from a rupture of a main steam pipe will cause an increase in steam flow...
The ASB reviews the turbine area ventilation system (TAVS) from air intake to the point of discharge...
A number of transients which are expected to occul with moderate frequency result in unplanned decre...
The transient that results from a postulated feedwater line break is sensitive to the break discharg...
The events postulated are an instantaneous seizure of the rotor or break of the shaft of a reactor c...
Nuclear power plants are provided with a control room from which actions can be taken to operate the...
The loss of nonemergency ac power is assumed to result in the loss of all power to the station auxil...
Ant.icipated transients are transients expected to occur during the life of the plant. Anticipated t...
After the Fukushima accident, beyond design basis accidents (BDBA), even though their frequency is p...
A potential source of fission product leakage following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) is the lea...
The ASB review of the structures, systems, and components (SSC) to be protected from externally gene...
During a station blackout (SBO), the initiating event is a loss of Class IV and Class III power, cau...