The inhomogeneous theory of elasticity considers bodies, the mechanical characteristics of which (the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio) are functions of the coordinates. If indirect problems of the inhomogeneous theory of elasticity are identifi ed, and the stress-strain state of the body has well-known functions of mechanical characteristics, the essence of inverse problems is to determine the functions of the inhomogeneity for a given stress state of the body. One of the fi rst solutions to such an inverse problem was published in the work of Lekhnitskii (“Radial distribution of stresses in the wedge and half-plane with variable modulus of elasticity”. PMM, XXVI(1), pp. 146–151, 1962). In this article, we consider one-dimensional...
<div><p>Abstract In this paper, stability analysis of thick-walled spherical and cylindrical shells...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The stress-strain state of elastic inhomogeneous is...
Abstract In this paper closed form analytical solution for stress components of thick spherical shel...
The authors consider the central symmetric problem of the theory of elasticity of inhomogeneous bodi...
Inverse problems of the theory of elasticity for inhomogeneous bodies, as a rule, are used to identi...
The paper discusses the axially symmetric plane problem theory of elasticity for inhomogeneous thick...
Introduction. Cylindrical and spherical shells are extensively used in engineering. They face intern...
A non-axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a radial inhomogeneous cylinder of small ...
AbstractInverse problems of the theory of elasticity for inhomogeneous bodies, as a rule, are used t...
A non-axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a radial inhomogeneous cylinder of small ...
The problem of identifying the load acting on the elements of structures belongs to the class of inv...
International audienceIn this work, a thick-walled spherical vessel made of nonhomogeneous materials...
Closed-form solutions for stresses and displacements in functionally graded cylindrical and spherica...
An investigation is made into the state of stress in a closed toroidal shell of uniform thick-walle...
Power series solutions for stresses and displacements in functionally-graded cylindrical vessels sub...
<div><p>Abstract In this paper, stability analysis of thick-walled spherical and cylindrical shells...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The stress-strain state of elastic inhomogeneous is...
Abstract In this paper closed form analytical solution for stress components of thick spherical shel...
The authors consider the central symmetric problem of the theory of elasticity of inhomogeneous bodi...
Inverse problems of the theory of elasticity for inhomogeneous bodies, as a rule, are used to identi...
The paper discusses the axially symmetric plane problem theory of elasticity for inhomogeneous thick...
Introduction. Cylindrical and spherical shells are extensively used in engineering. They face intern...
A non-axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a radial inhomogeneous cylinder of small ...
AbstractInverse problems of the theory of elasticity for inhomogeneous bodies, as a rule, are used t...
A non-axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a radial inhomogeneous cylinder of small ...
The problem of identifying the load acting on the elements of structures belongs to the class of inv...
International audienceIn this work, a thick-walled spherical vessel made of nonhomogeneous materials...
Closed-form solutions for stresses and displacements in functionally graded cylindrical and spherica...
An investigation is made into the state of stress in a closed toroidal shell of uniform thick-walle...
Power series solutions for stresses and displacements in functionally-graded cylindrical vessels sub...
<div><p>Abstract In this paper, stability analysis of thick-walled spherical and cylindrical shells...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The stress-strain state of elastic inhomogeneous is...
Abstract In this paper closed form analytical solution for stress components of thick spherical shel...