An important component of all nation states is building and maintaining a cadastral infrastructure. This includes cadastral surveys to identify and subdivide land, land registry systems to support simple land trading (buying, selling, mortgaging and leasing land) and land information systems to facilitate access to the relevant information increasingly through a web enabled e-government environment. For many cadastral officials and for much of society, this is the primary, and in many cases the only role of the cadastre. However the potential and role of the cadastre has rapidly expanded over the last couple of decades. Most governments assume that the primary task of this cadastral infrastructure is to support the operation of an efficient...
A large amount of the role of the land surveyor, land registries and land information systems is con...
This is a preprint of a paper from the International Conference on Cadastral Reform, Korea, 16-17 Ju...
This short paper provides an outlook from the publication “Cadastre 2014” as launched at the FIG Con...
An important component of all nation states is building and maintaining a cadastral infrastructure. ...
An important government activity of all nation states is building and maintaining a land administrat...
An important government activity of all nation states is building and maintaining a land administrat...
A large component of the activities of the land surveyor, land registries and land information syste...
A large component of the activities of the land surveyor, land registries and land information syste...
(Author and presenter) A large amount of the role of the land surveyor, land registries and land inf...
Land surveyors, land registries and land information systems are primarily concerned with building a...
Land administration systems are evolving towards an integrated land management paradigm designed to ...
A cadastral survey and mapping system that is simple, quick and affordable speeds up official access...
A quickly growing world population leads to increasing utilization of natural resources and impacts ...
In most countries, the cadastral system is just taken for granted, and the impact of the system in t...
The most important component needed in realizing a sustainable land development is a parcel-based da...
A large amount of the role of the land surveyor, land registries and land information systems is con...
This is a preprint of a paper from the International Conference on Cadastral Reform, Korea, 16-17 Ju...
This short paper provides an outlook from the publication “Cadastre 2014” as launched at the FIG Con...
An important component of all nation states is building and maintaining a cadastral infrastructure. ...
An important government activity of all nation states is building and maintaining a land administrat...
An important government activity of all nation states is building and maintaining a land administrat...
A large component of the activities of the land surveyor, land registries and land information syste...
A large component of the activities of the land surveyor, land registries and land information syste...
(Author and presenter) A large amount of the role of the land surveyor, land registries and land inf...
Land surveyors, land registries and land information systems are primarily concerned with building a...
Land administration systems are evolving towards an integrated land management paradigm designed to ...
A cadastral survey and mapping system that is simple, quick and affordable speeds up official access...
A quickly growing world population leads to increasing utilization of natural resources and impacts ...
In most countries, the cadastral system is just taken for granted, and the impact of the system in t...
The most important component needed in realizing a sustainable land development is a parcel-based da...
A large amount of the role of the land surveyor, land registries and land information systems is con...
This is a preprint of a paper from the International Conference on Cadastral Reform, Korea, 16-17 Ju...
This short paper provides an outlook from the publication “Cadastre 2014” as launched at the FIG Con...