Title X is the only federal program dedicated en-tirely to family planning and related preventive health care. It is a grant program that supports a diverse network of providers, and its program-matic guidelines effectively set the standards for publicly funded family planning care across the United States. Title X grants sustain a nationwide network of more than 4,100 family planning provider sites throughout all 50 states and the District of Columbia, most of which specialize in delivering family planning services.1 The program’s grantees include state and local health departments, and nongovernmental organizations such as federally qualified health centers, Planned Parenthood af-filiates and other independent agencies. Title X prioritize...
In 2006, Massachusetts passed legislation that broadened access to health insurance for its resident...
Each year, approximately 7.4 million American women obtain contraceptive and reproductive health car...
Title V of the Social Security Act is the longest-standing public health legislation in American his...
providing family planning services. It was first enacted in 1970 with broad bipartisan support. The ...
ContextThe federal Title X grant program provides funding for family planning services for low-incom...
This report discusses the Family Planning Program, Title X of the Public Health Service Act, through...
For nearly 50 years, Title X of the Public Health Service Act has been the sole federal program devo...
This report discusses Title X of the Public Health Service Act provides support for family planning...
BackgroundThis article presents the extent to which providers enrolled in California's Family Planni...
Statewide family planning programs have been developed primarily in the Southeast and in a few other...
and grew rapidly, serving 750,000 clients during its first year of operation and more than 1.5 milli...
This paper analyzes Title X of the 1970 Public Health Service Act using a strengths perspective fra...
Title X of the Public Health Act has provided access to confidential reproductive care for low-incom...
The Title X Family Planning Program (Public Law 91-572), enacted by President Richard Nixon in 1970,...
Starting in 1994, reproductive health was established as a human right. Having access physically, fi...
In 2006, Massachusetts passed legislation that broadened access to health insurance for its resident...
Each year, approximately 7.4 million American women obtain contraceptive and reproductive health car...
Title V of the Social Security Act is the longest-standing public health legislation in American his...
providing family planning services. It was first enacted in 1970 with broad bipartisan support. The ...
ContextThe federal Title X grant program provides funding for family planning services for low-incom...
This report discusses the Family Planning Program, Title X of the Public Health Service Act, through...
For nearly 50 years, Title X of the Public Health Service Act has been the sole federal program devo...
This report discusses Title X of the Public Health Service Act provides support for family planning...
BackgroundThis article presents the extent to which providers enrolled in California's Family Planni...
Statewide family planning programs have been developed primarily in the Southeast and in a few other...
and grew rapidly, serving 750,000 clients during its first year of operation and more than 1.5 milli...
This paper analyzes Title X of the 1970 Public Health Service Act using a strengths perspective fra...
Title X of the Public Health Act has provided access to confidential reproductive care for low-incom...
The Title X Family Planning Program (Public Law 91-572), enacted by President Richard Nixon in 1970,...
Starting in 1994, reproductive health was established as a human right. Having access physically, fi...
In 2006, Massachusetts passed legislation that broadened access to health insurance for its resident...
Each year, approximately 7.4 million American women obtain contraceptive and reproductive health car...
Title V of the Social Security Act is the longest-standing public health legislation in American his...