The objective of color mapping or color transfer methods is to recolor a given image or video by deriving a mapping between that image and another image serving as a reference. These methods have received consider-able attention in recent years, both in academic literature and in industrial applications. Methods for recoloring images have often appeared under the labels of color correction, color transfer or color balancing, to name a few, but their goal is always the same: mapping the colors of one image to another. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of these methods and offer a classification of current solutions depending not only on their algorithmic formulation but also their range of applications. We also provide a new...
International audienceIn this paper, we take interest in the process of assigning a given color dist...
[[abstract]]In this paper, we developed an effective algorithm of colorizing a grayscale video seque...
This paper presents an alternative simplified method to convert color spaces more quickly than using...
International audienceThe objective of colour mapping or colour transfer methods is to recolour a gi...
Color mapping or color transfer methods aim to recolor a given image or video by deriving a mapping ...
International audienceColor mapping or color transfer methods aim to recolor a given image or video ...
[[abstract]]With the popularization of the digital photography equipments, it becomes more and more ...
Color transfer is one of the digital image processing tasks. It changes the dominant color of a sour...
One of the most common tasks in image processing is to alter an image’s color. Often this means remo...
Abstract — In this paper we have reviewed and analyzed different techniques for transferring color a...
Color transfer is an image editing process that adjusts the colors of a picture to match a target pi...
matching This article proposes an original method for grading the colours between different images o...
In the last years, image and video colorization has been considered from many points of view. The te...
Abstract. This article proposes a solution to automatic color correction between two images/videos b...
Colour transfer between images is a computer vision problem that imposes the colour characteristics ...
International audienceIn this paper, we take interest in the process of assigning a given color dist...
[[abstract]]In this paper, we developed an effective algorithm of colorizing a grayscale video seque...
This paper presents an alternative simplified method to convert color spaces more quickly than using...
International audienceThe objective of colour mapping or colour transfer methods is to recolour a gi...
Color mapping or color transfer methods aim to recolor a given image or video by deriving a mapping ...
International audienceColor mapping or color transfer methods aim to recolor a given image or video ...
[[abstract]]With the popularization of the digital photography equipments, it becomes more and more ...
Color transfer is one of the digital image processing tasks. It changes the dominant color of a sour...
One of the most common tasks in image processing is to alter an image’s color. Often this means remo...
Abstract — In this paper we have reviewed and analyzed different techniques for transferring color a...
Color transfer is an image editing process that adjusts the colors of a picture to match a target pi...
matching This article proposes an original method for grading the colours between different images o...
In the last years, image and video colorization has been considered from many points of view. The te...
Abstract. This article proposes a solution to automatic color correction between two images/videos b...
Colour transfer between images is a computer vision problem that imposes the colour characteristics ...
International audienceIn this paper, we take interest in the process of assigning a given color dist...
[[abstract]]In this paper, we developed an effective algorithm of colorizing a grayscale video seque...
This paper presents an alternative simplified method to convert color spaces more quickly than using...