sponding receptors, i.e., the opioid system, have been conserved during evolution.1,2 We are now extending this cells, alters antigen processing and modulates the expression of select macrophage-associated proteins.11,14concept to include cannabinoid-signaling molecules. In the mammalian brain, cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1-R) was cloned and sequenced in 1990,3 and evidence for a second CB2-R was obtained in 1993.4 Several studies suggest that anandamide is the endogenous agonist of CB1-R.5–7 Anandamide mimics most of the pharmacolo-gical and behavioral actions associated with cannabi-noids, i.e., D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).5 Furthermore, enzymes for the synthesis and degradation of this signaling molecule have been found in mammals.8 Stud...