1. An equivalent circuit model of the R 15 bursting neuron in Aplysia has been combined with a fluid compartment model, re-sulting in a model that incorporates descriptions of most of the membrane ion channels that are known to exist in the somata of R 15, as well as providing a Ca2+ balance on the cell. 2. A voltage-activated, calcium-inactivated Ca* ’ current (de-noted the slow inward current Isi) was sufficient to produce burst-ing activity without invoking any other calcium-dependent currents (such as a nonspecific cation current, INS, or a calcium-activated IV current, I k&. Furthermore, many characteristics of a typical R 15 burst could be simulated, such as a parabolic varia-tion in interspike interval, the depolarizing afterpote...
The identified neurone R15 in the abdominal ganglion of the marine mollusc, Aplysia californica, exh...
Computer-assisted modeling of calcium influx through voltage-activated membrane channels predicted t...
Neurons have both a fast and slow mode of signaling. Fast signals are communicated by transmembrane ...
Mathematical models of two Aplysia neurons simulate salient features of the electrical and chemical ...
We have studied calcium-activated potassium current, IK(Ca), and calcium-activated nonspecific catio...
Chaotic regimes have been observed experimentally in neurons as well as in deterministic neuronal mo...
Abstract. In a computational model of the bursting neuron R15, we have implemented proposed mechanis...
ABSTRACT We have studied calcium-activated potassium current, Ivan), and cal-cium-activated nonspeci...
An existing model of the bursting neuron R15 in Aplysia has been modified to incorporate the effects...
dominal ganglion of Aplysia display a regular burst-firing pattern that is controlled by cy-clic cha...
1. In Na- and Ca-free external solutions, Sr or Ba (but not Mg) could act as carriers of inward curr...
A theoretical model of [Ca++]i diffusion, buffering, and extrusion was developed for Aplysia sensory...
Many observed effects of ionized calcium on bursting pacemaker neurons may be accounted for by assum...
Membrane potential oscillations can be induced in molluscan neurones under a variety of artificial c...
Computer-assisted modeling of calcium influx through voltage-activated membrane channels predicted t...
The identified neurone R15 in the abdominal ganglion of the marine mollusc, Aplysia californica, exh...
Computer-assisted modeling of calcium influx through voltage-activated membrane channels predicted t...
Neurons have both a fast and slow mode of signaling. Fast signals are communicated by transmembrane ...
Mathematical models of two Aplysia neurons simulate salient features of the electrical and chemical ...
We have studied calcium-activated potassium current, IK(Ca), and calcium-activated nonspecific catio...
Chaotic regimes have been observed experimentally in neurons as well as in deterministic neuronal mo...
Abstract. In a computational model of the bursting neuron R15, we have implemented proposed mechanis...
ABSTRACT We have studied calcium-activated potassium current, Ivan), and cal-cium-activated nonspeci...
An existing model of the bursting neuron R15 in Aplysia has been modified to incorporate the effects...
dominal ganglion of Aplysia display a regular burst-firing pattern that is controlled by cy-clic cha...
1. In Na- and Ca-free external solutions, Sr or Ba (but not Mg) could act as carriers of inward curr...
A theoretical model of [Ca++]i diffusion, buffering, and extrusion was developed for Aplysia sensory...
Many observed effects of ionized calcium on bursting pacemaker neurons may be accounted for by assum...
Membrane potential oscillations can be induced in molluscan neurones under a variety of artificial c...
Computer-assisted modeling of calcium influx through voltage-activated membrane channels predicted t...
The identified neurone R15 in the abdominal ganglion of the marine mollusc, Aplysia californica, exh...
Computer-assisted modeling of calcium influx through voltage-activated membrane channels predicted t...
Neurons have both a fast and slow mode of signaling. Fast signals are communicated by transmembrane ...