Abstract—Contemporary workflow scheduling strategies that employ full-ahead planning of the complete workflow graph are typically designed for a resource model with high availability and good control over the resources by the scheduler. In pro-duction Grids with high utilization and autonomous sites, meta-scheduling is mostly focused on single jobs. Workflow scheduling strategies for Grids usually require continuous rescheduling during workflow execution or schedule single workflow tasks only. In this paper, we describe a methodology that combines existing scheduling strategies for the Grid and for workflows, and that operates under the constraints of production environments. It employs a list scheduling heuristic to create a full-ahead sch...
We propose a novel deadline-based strategy in scheduling and rescheduling workflow applications on a...
Abstract Due to the highly dynamic feature, dependable workflow scheduling is critical in the Grid e...
Workflow technology has been adopted in scientific domains to orchestrate and automate scientific pr...
Abstract—We describe four problems inherent to Grid scheduling that could be identified by means of ...
We describe four problems inherent to Grid scheduling that could be identified by means of measureme...
Abstract Efficient scheduling is a key concern for the effectual execution of performance driven Gri...
Research in biomedicine and bioinformatics often requires the analysis of very large data sets. Grid...
Workflow scheduling on the Grid becomes more challenging when multiple scheduling criteria are consi...
In attempts to exploit a diverse set of resources in grids efficiently, numerous assays in resource ...
The Grid Workflow scheduling is considered an important issue in Workflow management. Workflow sched...
Abstract. The execution of scientific workflows in Grid environments imposes many challenges due to ...
In this dissertation, we present a design and implementation of a tool for automatic mapping and sch...
In heterogeneous distributed systems, utility grids have emerged as a new model of service. In this ...
Abstract Scientific workflows have received considerable attention in Grid comput-ing. This paper is...
AbstractGrid computing enables large-scale resource sharing and collaboration for solving advanced s...
We propose a novel deadline-based strategy in scheduling and rescheduling workflow applications on a...
Abstract Due to the highly dynamic feature, dependable workflow scheduling is critical in the Grid e...
Workflow technology has been adopted in scientific domains to orchestrate and automate scientific pr...
Abstract—We describe four problems inherent to Grid scheduling that could be identified by means of ...
We describe four problems inherent to Grid scheduling that could be identified by means of measureme...
Abstract Efficient scheduling is a key concern for the effectual execution of performance driven Gri...
Research in biomedicine and bioinformatics often requires the analysis of very large data sets. Grid...
Workflow scheduling on the Grid becomes more challenging when multiple scheduling criteria are consi...
In attempts to exploit a diverse set of resources in grids efficiently, numerous assays in resource ...
The Grid Workflow scheduling is considered an important issue in Workflow management. Workflow sched...
Abstract. The execution of scientific workflows in Grid environments imposes many challenges due to ...
In this dissertation, we present a design and implementation of a tool for automatic mapping and sch...
In heterogeneous distributed systems, utility grids have emerged as a new model of service. In this ...
Abstract Scientific workflows have received considerable attention in Grid comput-ing. This paper is...
AbstractGrid computing enables large-scale resource sharing and collaboration for solving advanced s...
We propose a novel deadline-based strategy in scheduling and rescheduling workflow applications on a...
Abstract Due to the highly dynamic feature, dependable workflow scheduling is critical in the Grid e...
Workflow technology has been adopted in scientific domains to orchestrate and automate scientific pr...