Sufi Ijtih[d: Zarr]q’s Perception of Sufi Ethics and Master-Disciple Relationship

  • Ghulam Shams-u-rehman
Publication date
January 2016


A+mad Zarr]q (d. 899¦1493) was a M[lik \ jurist and Sufi of the Sh[dhil\yah Order. By virtue of his ijtih[d \ dynamism he strove to revitalise Sufism, grounding it in the basic principles of Islamic law. My paper considers the efforts of this late mediaeval scholar to reform Sufism; in particular, I shall discuss his reinterpretation of traditional concepts of Sufi ethics and of the master-disciple relationship. To this end, I shall analyse some extracts from Zarr]q’s magnum opus, the Qaw[<id al-Ta~awwuf, in order to approach his ideas as expressed in his own words

Extracted data

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