The reduct ion of mercury on a fresh i r id ium surface is revers ib le with a hal f-wave potent ia l of +162 mV (vs. SCE). A Hg(O) mono layer is formed by underpotent ia l depos i t ion (UPD) at + 600 mV dur ing the init ial scans of a repet i t ive cyclic vo l tammogram. This mono layer acts as bu lk Hg(O) dur ing fur ther cycles, and the reduct ion hal f-wave potent ia l then shifts towards +410 mV. Anodizat ion of the electrode at a potent ia l> + 1000 mV returns the reduct ion wave to its or iginal posi-t ion. The peak for the ox idat ion of bu lk Hg(O) f rom the surface occurs at +430 mV fo l lowed by a peak for the under-potent ia l s t r ipp ing (UPS) of the Hg(O) mono layer at + 650 inV. The quant i ty of Hg(O) for the mono laye...
<span lang="EN-US">This article presents some results concerning the electrochemical detection of me...
We report about the electrochemical characterization of redox sites organized at Hg surface by diffe...
The electrochemical characterization of a series of redox sites absorbed at Hg surface by different ...
The isotherm for the underpotential deposition (UPD) of mercury from 0.2M PI2SO4 solutions of mercur...
A mercury-film electrode with iridium as the substrate has been developed. Various metals were consi...
An experimental study of a 2 mm diameter indium based mercury film rotating disk electrode (IrMFE) i...
Mercury thin films prepared by electrochemical deposition on Pt-Ir alloy and after partial removing ...
Cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis, and other analytical techniques were used ...
The underpotential deposition and early stages of bulk mercury electrodeposition on platinum from aq...
In order to insure a perfectly clean surface of mercury for test, the apparatus was arranged so that...
Thermogravimetry, cyclic voltammetry and other analytical techniques were used to study the reaction...
Photo-electric threshold for the clean surface.—C. B. Kazda has found the photo-electric threshold o...
The apparatus used by Kazda and Dunn for the determination of the critical photoelectric potential o...
This article presents some aspects related to the cathodic discharge of the mercuric ion provided fr...
The electrodeposition of Hg on polycrystalline smooth and columnar structured Pt (cs-Pt) substrates ...
<span lang="EN-US">This article presents some results concerning the electrochemical detection of me...
We report about the electrochemical characterization of redox sites organized at Hg surface by diffe...
The electrochemical characterization of a series of redox sites absorbed at Hg surface by different ...
The isotherm for the underpotential deposition (UPD) of mercury from 0.2M PI2SO4 solutions of mercur...
A mercury-film electrode with iridium as the substrate has been developed. Various metals were consi...
An experimental study of a 2 mm diameter indium based mercury film rotating disk electrode (IrMFE) i...
Mercury thin films prepared by electrochemical deposition on Pt-Ir alloy and after partial removing ...
Cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis, and other analytical techniques were used ...
The underpotential deposition and early stages of bulk mercury electrodeposition on platinum from aq...
In order to insure a perfectly clean surface of mercury for test, the apparatus was arranged so that...
Thermogravimetry, cyclic voltammetry and other analytical techniques were used to study the reaction...
Photo-electric threshold for the clean surface.—C. B. Kazda has found the photo-electric threshold o...
The apparatus used by Kazda and Dunn for the determination of the critical photoelectric potential o...
This article presents some aspects related to the cathodic discharge of the mercuric ion provided fr...
The electrodeposition of Hg on polycrystalline smooth and columnar structured Pt (cs-Pt) substrates ...
<span lang="EN-US">This article presents some results concerning the electrochemical detection of me...
We report about the electrochemical characterization of redox sites organized at Hg surface by diffe...
The electrochemical characterization of a series of redox sites absorbed at Hg surface by different ...