Abstract: This paper discusses the problem of using navigation methods for agricultural mobile robots in greenhouses. Nowadays, many agricultural tasks are dangerous and repetitive for human beings and could be improved employing robots. The autonomous navigation in greenhouses has been solved using both deliberative and pseudo-reactive techniques. The first one utilizes a based-on map algorithm to create a safe and obstacle-free path to travel. The second technique applies a sensor feedback algorithm to cross the greenhouse corridors. Both strategies have been implemented and tested in real environment, obtaining quite appropriate results. Copyright @ 2007 IFAC
This paper reviews robotics for protected cultivation systems. Based on a short description of the g...
International audienceThe evolution of population needs, together with the necessity of environment ...
This article presents trends and future developments in mobile robotics for 3D mapping in agricultur...
Repetitive and dangerous tasks such as harvesting and spraying have made robots usable in the greenh...
The use of autonomous robots for certain tasks within agriculture applications can bring many advant...
The key factor for autonomous navigation is efficient perception of the surroundings,while being abl...
In recent years, agricultural robotics has received great attention in research studies, being consi...
This paper presents a novel approach for guiding mobile robots inside greenhouses demonstrated by pr...
This paper presents a novel agricultural robot for greenhouse applications. In many greenhouses, inc...
Agricultural production is on most countries’ national agenda because climate change affects crops, ...
In recent years, autonomous robots have extensively been used to automate several vineyard tasks. Au...
The population of the world is predicted to reach nine billion by 2050, implying that agricultural o...
National audienceThis thesis explores the field of agricultural robotics. It aims at developing navi...
[Departement_IRSTEA]EA [TR1_IRSTEA]TESAD / MOSTInternational audienceThe evolution of population nee...
Autonomous navigation of a robot in agricultural fields is essential for every task from crop monito...
This paper reviews robotics for protected cultivation systems. Based on a short description of the g...
International audienceThe evolution of population needs, together with the necessity of environment ...
This article presents trends and future developments in mobile robotics for 3D mapping in agricultur...
Repetitive and dangerous tasks such as harvesting and spraying have made robots usable in the greenh...
The use of autonomous robots for certain tasks within agriculture applications can bring many advant...
The key factor for autonomous navigation is efficient perception of the surroundings,while being abl...
In recent years, agricultural robotics has received great attention in research studies, being consi...
This paper presents a novel approach for guiding mobile robots inside greenhouses demonstrated by pr...
This paper presents a novel agricultural robot for greenhouse applications. In many greenhouses, inc...
Agricultural production is on most countries’ national agenda because climate change affects crops, ...
In recent years, autonomous robots have extensively been used to automate several vineyard tasks. Au...
The population of the world is predicted to reach nine billion by 2050, implying that agricultural o...
National audienceThis thesis explores the field of agricultural robotics. It aims at developing navi...
[Departement_IRSTEA]EA [TR1_IRSTEA]TESAD / MOSTInternational audienceThe evolution of population nee...
Autonomous navigation of a robot in agricultural fields is essential for every task from crop monito...
This paper reviews robotics for protected cultivation systems. Based on a short description of the g...
International audienceThe evolution of population needs, together with the necessity of environment ...
This article presents trends and future developments in mobile robotics for 3D mapping in agricultur...