Let h ⊂ g be an inclusion of Lie algebras with quotient h-module n. There is a natural degree filtration on the h-module U(g)/U(g)h whose associated graded h-module is isomorphic to S(n). We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a splitting of this filtration. In turn such a splitting yields an isomorphism between the h-modules U(g)/U(g)h and S(n). For the diagonal embedding h ⊂ h ⊕ h the condition is automatically satisfied and we recover the classical Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem. The main theorem and its proof are direct translations of results in algebraic geometry, obtained using an ad hoc dictionary. This suggests the existence of a unified framework allowing the simultaneous study of Lie algebras and of al...
1 Lie algebras and the PBW theorem The Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) theorem (Jacobson [2]) implies ...
grantor: University of TorontoLet 'X' be a finite, 'n'-dimensional, ' r'-connected CW comp...
AbstractConsider a free metabelian Lie algebra M of finite rank r over an infinite field K of prime ...
International audienceLet $\mathfrak{h}\subset \mathfrak{g}$ be an inclusion of Lie algebras with qu...
AbstractLet (L,∂) be a differential graded Lie algebra over the prime field Fp. There exists an isom...
International audienceInspired by the recent work of Chen-Stiénon-Xu on Atiyah classes associated to...
AbstractIn this paper we define induced and “Weyl” modules for an infinite-dimensional Hopf algebra ...
We study the PBW-filtration on the highest weight representations V(λ) of the Lie algebras of type A...
AbstractA Lie coalgebra is a coalgebra whose comultiplication Δ : M → M ⊗ M satisfies the Lie condit...
The category of graded level zero representations of current Lie algebra shares many properties with...
summary:Given a principal ideal domain $R$ of characteristic zero, containing $1/2$, and a connected...
Given a complex simple Lie algebra g with adjoint group G, the space S(g) of polynomials on S\mg is ...
This book deals with central simple Lie algebras over arbitrary fields of characteristic zero. It ai...
summary:Summary: Let ${\germ g}$ be a real semisimple $|k|$-graded Lie algebra such that the Lie alg...
In the study of Lie powers of a module $V$ in prime characteristic $p$, a basic role is played by ce...
1 Lie algebras and the PBW theorem The Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) theorem (Jacobson [2]) implies ...
grantor: University of TorontoLet 'X' be a finite, 'n'-dimensional, ' r'-connected CW comp...
AbstractConsider a free metabelian Lie algebra M of finite rank r over an infinite field K of prime ...
International audienceLet $\mathfrak{h}\subset \mathfrak{g}$ be an inclusion of Lie algebras with qu...
AbstractLet (L,∂) be a differential graded Lie algebra over the prime field Fp. There exists an isom...
International audienceInspired by the recent work of Chen-Stiénon-Xu on Atiyah classes associated to...
AbstractIn this paper we define induced and “Weyl” modules for an infinite-dimensional Hopf algebra ...
We study the PBW-filtration on the highest weight representations V(λ) of the Lie algebras of type A...
AbstractA Lie coalgebra is a coalgebra whose comultiplication Δ : M → M ⊗ M satisfies the Lie condit...
The category of graded level zero representations of current Lie algebra shares many properties with...
summary:Given a principal ideal domain $R$ of characteristic zero, containing $1/2$, and a connected...
Given a complex simple Lie algebra g with adjoint group G, the space S(g) of polynomials on S\mg is ...
This book deals with central simple Lie algebras over arbitrary fields of characteristic zero. It ai...
summary:Summary: Let ${\germ g}$ be a real semisimple $|k|$-graded Lie algebra such that the Lie alg...
In the study of Lie powers of a module $V$ in prime characteristic $p$, a basic role is played by ce...
1 Lie algebras and the PBW theorem The Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) theorem (Jacobson [2]) implies ...
grantor: University of TorontoLet 'X' be a finite, 'n'-dimensional, ' r'-connected CW comp...
AbstractConsider a free metabelian Lie algebra M of finite rank r over an infinite field K of prime ...