In recent years, it has become possible for large groups of people to collaborate and generate ideas together in ways that were not possible before. However, the large number of ideas and participants in this setting also pose new challenges in helping people find inspiration from a large pool of ideas, and coordinating the collective effort. My research aims to ad-dress the challenges of large scale idea generation platforms by developing methods and systems for helping people make effective use of each other’s ideas, and orchestrate collective effort to reduce redundancy and increase the breadth of gen-erated ideas
Ideas evolve. Online idea generation systems accelerate this evolution. These systems range from ope...
Organizations that innovate encounter challenges due to the complexity and ambiguity of generating a...
Ideas evolve. Online idea generation systems accelerate this evolution. These systems range from ope...
Emerging online innovation platforms have enabled large groups of people to collaborate and generate...
ABSTRACT A growing number of large collaborative idea generation platforms promise that by generatin...
Collecting ideas through crowdsourcing has become a common practice for companies to benefit from ex...
The crowd is emerging as a new source of innovation, and here a new way of organizing the crowd to p...
Abstract Supporting creativity has been considered as one of the grand challenges of Human Computer ...
Nowadays, society and organizations face an accelerated innovation that requires of professionals wi...
While it is commonly known that ideas submitted through crowdsourcing platforms need support from ot...
WorkshopInternational audiencePeople can generate more innovative ideas when they collaborate with o...
Contains fulltext : 200159.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)There is a grow...
While the importance of creativity and innovation in organizations continues to grow, many organizat...
Prior work on creativity support tools demonstrates how a computational semantic model of a solution...
Thesis: S.M. in Engineering and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Syste...
Ideas evolve. Online idea generation systems accelerate this evolution. These systems range from ope...
Organizations that innovate encounter challenges due to the complexity and ambiguity of generating a...
Ideas evolve. Online idea generation systems accelerate this evolution. These systems range from ope...
Emerging online innovation platforms have enabled large groups of people to collaborate and generate...
ABSTRACT A growing number of large collaborative idea generation platforms promise that by generatin...
Collecting ideas through crowdsourcing has become a common practice for companies to benefit from ex...
The crowd is emerging as a new source of innovation, and here a new way of organizing the crowd to p...
Abstract Supporting creativity has been considered as one of the grand challenges of Human Computer ...
Nowadays, society and organizations face an accelerated innovation that requires of professionals wi...
While it is commonly known that ideas submitted through crowdsourcing platforms need support from ot...
WorkshopInternational audiencePeople can generate more innovative ideas when they collaborate with o...
Contains fulltext : 200159.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)There is a grow...
While the importance of creativity and innovation in organizations continues to grow, many organizat...
Prior work on creativity support tools demonstrates how a computational semantic model of a solution...
Thesis: S.M. in Engineering and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Syste...
Ideas evolve. Online idea generation systems accelerate this evolution. These systems range from ope...
Organizations that innovate encounter challenges due to the complexity and ambiguity of generating a...
Ideas evolve. Online idea generation systems accelerate this evolution. These systems range from ope...