The data in this block is included in the average printed for a previous datablock
VALUE (MeV) DOCUMENT ID 15255 OUR ESTIMATE This is only an educated guess; the error given is larger...
For each of the species measured, the average length (mm), area (mm2), and mass (mg) were calculated...
This is the raw data collected from the aye-ayes. It includes both DPME counts and mass consumed in ...
The data in this block is included in the average printed for a previous datablock
The data in this block is included in the average printed for a previous datablock
2149±17 OUR AVERAGE Includes data from the datablock that follows this one. 2150±40±50 AUBERT 07AU B...
1232 ±3 CUTKOSKY 80 IPWA πN → πN 1233 ±2 HOEHLER 79 IPWA πN → πN • • • We do not use the following...
p MASS (atomic mass units u) The mass is known much more precisely in u (atomic mass units) than in ...
See the mini-review under the (1700). (1450) MASS VALUE (MeV) DOCUMENT ID 146525 OUR ESTIMATE This i...
1485.0 ± 1.2 ARNDT 06 DPWA piN → piN, ηN 1440 ±30 CUTKOSKY 80 IPWA piN → piN 1410 ±12 HOEHLER 79 IPW...
e MASS (atomic mass units u) The primary determination of an electron’s mass comes from measuring th...
2400 ±125 CUTKOSKY 80 IPWA piN → piN 2416 ± 17 HOEHLER 79 IPWA piN → piN 2400 ± 60 HENDRY 78 MPWA pi...
We have omitted some results that have been superseded by later experiments. See our earlier edition...
This entry was previously called U1(2400). See also ρ(2150), f2(2150), ρ3(2250), f4(2300). ρ5(2350) ...
1409.8±2.5 OUR AVERAGE Includes data from the 2 datablocks that follow this one. Error includes scal...
VALUE (MeV) DOCUMENT ID 15255 OUR ESTIMATE This is only an educated guess; the error given is larger...
For each of the species measured, the average length (mm), area (mm2), and mass (mg) were calculated...
This is the raw data collected from the aye-ayes. It includes both DPME counts and mass consumed in ...
The data in this block is included in the average printed for a previous datablock
The data in this block is included in the average printed for a previous datablock
2149±17 OUR AVERAGE Includes data from the datablock that follows this one. 2150±40±50 AUBERT 07AU B...
1232 ±3 CUTKOSKY 80 IPWA πN → πN 1233 ±2 HOEHLER 79 IPWA πN → πN • • • We do not use the following...
p MASS (atomic mass units u) The mass is known much more precisely in u (atomic mass units) than in ...
See the mini-review under the (1700). (1450) MASS VALUE (MeV) DOCUMENT ID 146525 OUR ESTIMATE This i...
1485.0 ± 1.2 ARNDT 06 DPWA piN → piN, ηN 1440 ±30 CUTKOSKY 80 IPWA piN → piN 1410 ±12 HOEHLER 79 IPW...
e MASS (atomic mass units u) The primary determination of an electron’s mass comes from measuring th...
2400 ±125 CUTKOSKY 80 IPWA piN → piN 2416 ± 17 HOEHLER 79 IPWA piN → piN 2400 ± 60 HENDRY 78 MPWA pi...
We have omitted some results that have been superseded by later experiments. See our earlier edition...
This entry was previously called U1(2400). See also ρ(2150), f2(2150), ρ3(2250), f4(2300). ρ5(2350) ...
1409.8±2.5 OUR AVERAGE Includes data from the 2 datablocks that follow this one. Error includes scal...
VALUE (MeV) DOCUMENT ID 15255 OUR ESTIMATE This is only an educated guess; the error given is larger...
For each of the species measured, the average length (mm), area (mm2), and mass (mg) were calculated...
This is the raw data collected from the aye-ayes. It includes both DPME counts and mass consumed in ...