amination and expo urc of Pecic's shoddy ~holarship is truly an imprcssiv ~ r~search accomplishment. It is astoni hill ' how Pecle has been able to publish ticles th:lt ~1fC L I;.Ig in schoL1fshlp in professional pub-lic. tions. Equally. Lonishing and dismaying is the lack d ' holarship olltl. part of the reviewers. How is it that Ih numerous (ITor ',l:IToneous inferences. and half-truths til.. <Ire charact'ri. It · of Pc Ie's writings manage to slip by ed itors and rcCcl •.? There is. how r, one criticism I have of Wallace's art ide. On pape 270. in the first paragraph t low Table I. it states, "But lkspite optimistic reports by the Sobclls-and sub. '4uently by Caddy, Addington and Perkins as...