Measurement of the jet energy resolution in ATLAS

  • Serena Psoroulas
  • Atlas Collaboration
Publication date
November 2015


A measurement of the jet energy resolution has been performed in 2010 at the ATLAS detector, on 35±1 pb−1 protonproton collisions. Dijet events in data and simulations1 were analysed in two insitu analyses: the dijet balance and the bi-sector method [1]. Jets are reconstructed from calorimeter signals. Calorimeter cells build three−dimen sional topological clusters, that feed the antikT algorithm, used for jet reconstruction. The basic energy scale is the EM-scale, not corrected for hadron response. EMscale jets are calibrated to the jet energy scale by simulationbased calibrations (Table 1). Calibration Input Characteristics EM+JES EM-scale jets jet-by-jet correction, function of η and pT pileup corrected robust, developed for first data G...

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