We thank Amy Finkelstein, Eugenio Miravete, and many seminar participants for useful comments
University of Wisconsin. This work was funded by the Agency of Healthcare Research and Qualit
We thank the editors, discussants, and participants for many useful comments. Daron Acemoglu provide...
This paper benefited greatly from input from Jeph Herrin, Jason Hockenberry, David Howard, Suhu
We would like to thank Dana Goldman for sharing his Part D Plan Characteristics file with us; Cheryl...
We are grateful to Elizabeth Weber and Florence Neymotin for outstanding research assistance, and to...
We thank Amy Finkelstein and Will Manning for helpful suggestions. Levin gratefully acknowledge
and participants at the American Association of Law and Economics Annual Meetings, the University of...
This paper replaces an earlier working paper titled “Insurer Competition and Negotiated Hospital Pri...
The authors gratefully acknowledge grant funding from the National Institute on Aging (grant P01-AG0...
NBER, and the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy annual meeting for helpful comments
and for the helpful comments provided by the referees. The views expressed herein are those of th
Support for this paper from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (#H133B...
and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. The views expressed here are the authors ’ own and not nec...
We wish to thank Cory Capps, Liran Einav and Mark Pauly for their comments and suggestions. We ackno...
and any errors are solely those of the authors. All findings, interpretations, and conclusions of th...
University of Wisconsin. This work was funded by the Agency of Healthcare Research and Qualit
We thank the editors, discussants, and participants for many useful comments. Daron Acemoglu provide...
This paper benefited greatly from input from Jeph Herrin, Jason Hockenberry, David Howard, Suhu
We would like to thank Dana Goldman for sharing his Part D Plan Characteristics file with us; Cheryl...
We are grateful to Elizabeth Weber and Florence Neymotin for outstanding research assistance, and to...
We thank Amy Finkelstein and Will Manning for helpful suggestions. Levin gratefully acknowledge
and participants at the American Association of Law and Economics Annual Meetings, the University of...
This paper replaces an earlier working paper titled “Insurer Competition and Negotiated Hospital Pri...
The authors gratefully acknowledge grant funding from the National Institute on Aging (grant P01-AG0...
NBER, and the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy annual meeting for helpful comments
and for the helpful comments provided by the referees. The views expressed herein are those of th
Support for this paper from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (#H133B...
and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. The views expressed here are the authors ’ own and not nec...
We wish to thank Cory Capps, Liran Einav and Mark Pauly for their comments and suggestions. We ackno...
and any errors are solely those of the authors. All findings, interpretations, and conclusions of th...
University of Wisconsin. This work was funded by the Agency of Healthcare Research and Qualit
We thank the editors, discussants, and participants for many useful comments. Daron Acemoglu provide...
This paper benefited greatly from input from Jeph Herrin, Jason Hockenberry, David Howard, Suhu