Tamil Nadu has a rich heritage and cheered history. Its ancestry dates back to the Palaeolithic age. The rock arts of Palani, displays great virtues of balance, appropriate use of colour, love of nature and a keen understanding of the life and times of the inhabitants. Scenes of battlefield, travel, hunting, festivities and others are depicted with realism and sensitivity. All the images etched on rock surfaces clearly demonstrate their urge to express themselves in forms that are intelligible. There are paintings of elephants, cattle, tiger, deer, wild boar and porcupine, and of human beings dancing or fighting. The prehistoric artists used white kaolin, lime or even ash to paint these figures. The contemporary tribal people have used enam...
The rock art site of Gua Tambun in Perak, Malaysia was first reported by J. M. Matthews in 1959, fol...
Warli art which is mainly designed by the tribal women and this is an aesthetic folk art of Maharash...
The present author explored and studied 32 rock art sites, in Kaladgi basin, North Karnataka, among ...
The authors have surveyed the little known paintings of the Kurnool area in central south India, bri...
Rock-art reflects cultural narratives and is influential as a medium in the invention of narratives....
In this I intend to weave together some emerging ideas on how to approach prehistoric art forms and ...
Rock-art reflects cultural narratives and is influential as a medium in the invention of narratives....
The term rock art represents prehistoric, historic and present images, which are being created on th...
This work deals with a vast area of the Asian continent, India, as its frontiers have moved, across ...
Art including painting is an element of culture. Therefore art also becomes an object of archaeologi...
This thesis is the result of an in-depth investigation into the rock art of a local region in South ...
As an example of two-dimensional art in a Mesolithic tradition, this mural painting depicting a hunt...
The Tutuala region in far eastern Timor-Leste is one of the richest regions of rock art in island So...
Wall painting as an art genre enjoyed great popularity in India starting in the 2nd century B.C., bu...
The métier of combining granite stone carving with painting of wildlife subjects in Pitchandikulam a...
The rock art site of Gua Tambun in Perak, Malaysia was first reported by J. M. Matthews in 1959, fol...
Warli art which is mainly designed by the tribal women and this is an aesthetic folk art of Maharash...
The present author explored and studied 32 rock art sites, in Kaladgi basin, North Karnataka, among ...
The authors have surveyed the little known paintings of the Kurnool area in central south India, bri...
Rock-art reflects cultural narratives and is influential as a medium in the invention of narratives....
In this I intend to weave together some emerging ideas on how to approach prehistoric art forms and ...
Rock-art reflects cultural narratives and is influential as a medium in the invention of narratives....
The term rock art represents prehistoric, historic and present images, which are being created on th...
This work deals with a vast area of the Asian continent, India, as its frontiers have moved, across ...
Art including painting is an element of culture. Therefore art also becomes an object of archaeologi...
This thesis is the result of an in-depth investigation into the rock art of a local region in South ...
As an example of two-dimensional art in a Mesolithic tradition, this mural painting depicting a hunt...
The Tutuala region in far eastern Timor-Leste is one of the richest regions of rock art in island So...
Wall painting as an art genre enjoyed great popularity in India starting in the 2nd century B.C., bu...
The métier of combining granite stone carving with painting of wildlife subjects in Pitchandikulam a...
The rock art site of Gua Tambun in Perak, Malaysia was first reported by J. M. Matthews in 1959, fol...
Warli art which is mainly designed by the tribal women and this is an aesthetic folk art of Maharash...
The present author explored and studied 32 rock art sites, in Kaladgi basin, North Karnataka, among ...