In memory of my sister Fedra Marina Jakimczuk (1970-2010) In this article we prove that almost the total number of primes in the prime factorization of n! is generated by a very little number of primes. We also prove that almost the total number of primes in the prime factorizations of the first n positive integers is produced by a very little number of primes with exponent 1 in these prime factorizations
In memory of my sister Fedra Marina Jakimczuk (1970-2010) In this note we study the distribution of ...
International audienceFor a fixed prime p, let e_p(n!) denote the order of p in the prime factorizat...
In this thesis we prove several different results about the number of primes represented by linear f...
AbstractLet p1,p2,… be the sequence of all primes in ascending order. The following result is proved...
AbstractIn this paper, we prove two results. The first theorem uses a paper of Kim (J. Number Theory...
AbstractLet p, q be primes and m be a positive integer. For a positive integer n, let ep(n) be the n...
AbstractThe parity of exponents in the prime power factorization of n! is considered. We extend and ...
In memory of my sister Fedra Marina Jakimczuk (1970-2010) In this article we obtain some results on ...
AbstractConsider the multiplicities ep1(n),ep2(n),…,epk(n) in which the primes p1,p2,…,pk appear in ...
Knowledge about number theory and prime numbersEuclid proved that the number of prime numbers is inf...
Let αk(n) be the number of prime factors with exponent k in the prime factorization of n. For exampl...
AbstractIt is shown that, for anyk, there exist infinitely many positive integersnsuch that in the p...
AbstractWe investigate lower bounds for ω((sn)) − ω((rn)) that are independent of n. This difference...
AbstractIf n is a positive integer, we write n! as a product of n prime powers, each at least as lar...
AbstractIn 1997 Berend proved a conjecture of Erdős and Graham by showing that for every positive in...
In memory of my sister Fedra Marina Jakimczuk (1970-2010) In this note we study the distribution of ...
International audienceFor a fixed prime p, let e_p(n!) denote the order of p in the prime factorizat...
In this thesis we prove several different results about the number of primes represented by linear f...
AbstractLet p1,p2,… be the sequence of all primes in ascending order. The following result is proved...
AbstractIn this paper, we prove two results. The first theorem uses a paper of Kim (J. Number Theory...
AbstractLet p, q be primes and m be a positive integer. For a positive integer n, let ep(n) be the n...
AbstractThe parity of exponents in the prime power factorization of n! is considered. We extend and ...
In memory of my sister Fedra Marina Jakimczuk (1970-2010) In this article we obtain some results on ...
AbstractConsider the multiplicities ep1(n),ep2(n),…,epk(n) in which the primes p1,p2,…,pk appear in ...
Knowledge about number theory and prime numbersEuclid proved that the number of prime numbers is inf...
Let αk(n) be the number of prime factors with exponent k in the prime factorization of n. For exampl...
AbstractIt is shown that, for anyk, there exist infinitely many positive integersnsuch that in the p...
AbstractWe investigate lower bounds for ω((sn)) − ω((rn)) that are independent of n. This difference...
AbstractIf n is a positive integer, we write n! as a product of n prime powers, each at least as lar...
AbstractIn 1997 Berend proved a conjecture of Erdős and Graham by showing that for every positive in...
In memory of my sister Fedra Marina Jakimczuk (1970-2010) In this note we study the distribution of ...
International audienceFor a fixed prime p, let e_p(n!) denote the order of p in the prime factorizat...
In this thesis we prove several different results about the number of primes represented by linear f...