SIFT-like representations are considered as being most resistant to common deforma-tions, although their computational burden is heavy for low-computation applications such as mobile image retrieval. H. Bay et. al. proposed an efficient implementation of SIFT called SURF. Although this descriptor has been able to represent the nature of some underlying image patterns, it is not enough to represent more complicated ones. Also, the proposed high-dimensional alternative to SURF indeed improves the distinctive character of the de-scriptor, while it appears to be less robust. In this paper, an enhanced version of SURF is proposed. Specifically, it consists of two components: the feature representation for inde-pendent intensity changes and the c...
As the basis of large-scale partial duplicate visual search on mobile devices, image local descripto...
SIFT is a classical hand-crafted, histogram-based descriptor that has deeply influenced research on ...
The descriptors used for image indexing - e.g. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) - are genera...
In this paper we propose a novel feature based on SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm...
In this paper, we present a novel family of multiscale local feature descriptors, a theoretically an...
In this paper, we present a novel family of multiscale local feature descriptors, a theoretically an...
Stable local feature detection and representation is a fundamental component of many image registrat...
Global context descriptors are vectors of additional information appended to an existing descriptor,...
SIFT is an image local feature description algorithm based on scale-space. Due to its strong matchin...
Local image features are used in many computer vision applications. Many point detectors and descrip...
Progress in image retrieval by using low-level features, such as colors, textures and shapes, the pe...
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT) and Speeded-Up Robust Feature(SURF) are common techniques us...
In this paper, we present a novel descriptor, called Modified-SIFT (M-SIFT), which is more suitablef...
Abstract. In this paper, we present a novel scale- and rotation-invariant interest point detector an...
In this paper, we introduce a local image descriptor that is inspired by earlier detectors such as S...
As the basis of large-scale partial duplicate visual search on mobile devices, image local descripto...
SIFT is a classical hand-crafted, histogram-based descriptor that has deeply influenced research on ...
The descriptors used for image indexing - e.g. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) - are genera...
In this paper we propose a novel feature based on SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm...
In this paper, we present a novel family of multiscale local feature descriptors, a theoretically an...
In this paper, we present a novel family of multiscale local feature descriptors, a theoretically an...
Stable local feature detection and representation is a fundamental component of many image registrat...
Global context descriptors are vectors of additional information appended to an existing descriptor,...
SIFT is an image local feature description algorithm based on scale-space. Due to its strong matchin...
Local image features are used in many computer vision applications. Many point detectors and descrip...
Progress in image retrieval by using low-level features, such as colors, textures and shapes, the pe...
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT) and Speeded-Up Robust Feature(SURF) are common techniques us...
In this paper, we present a novel descriptor, called Modified-SIFT (M-SIFT), which is more suitablef...
Abstract. In this paper, we present a novel scale- and rotation-invariant interest point detector an...
In this paper, we introduce a local image descriptor that is inspired by earlier detectors such as S...
As the basis of large-scale partial duplicate visual search on mobile devices, image local descripto...
SIFT is a classical hand-crafted, histogram-based descriptor that has deeply influenced research on ...
The descriptors used for image indexing - e.g. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) - are genera...